/ Water Quality


Campbell Scientific builds systems for unattended, long-term monitoring of water quality in many natural and industrial environments, including streams, watersheds, wells, caves, water/wastewater treatment plants, aquaculture operations, landfills, and processing plants. Our systems include Campbell data loggers and a large variety of sensors and communication peripherals, customized for each application.

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Most of the systems we sell are customized. Tell us what you need and we'll help you configure a system that meets your exact needs.

更多细节about Our Water Quality Systems


我们的数据转换器具有宽的工作温度范围,低功耗,以及直接与各种传感器接口的能力。因为我们的数据转换器在电池上运行(有或没有太阳能电池板),因此它们是长期的独立操作,例如在远程流或井中的理想选择。我们的大多数数据转主都可以使用多路复用器和其他外围设备可扩展。通常显示数据并以所需的测量单位(例如,作为MS / M,μs/ cm,欧姆,欧姆)的所需测量单位。

Powerful on-board instruction sets allow unattended control decisions based on time or conditional events. For example, if measured water quality levels are outside a predetermined range, the datalogger can actuate water samplers, sound alarms, open valves, actuate injectors, and make a phone call to report conditions. The dataloggers can easily provide the necessary water sampler control to meet EPA-mandated first-flush and follow-up sample schedules. All data is time-stamped and data from event-triggered samples is marked for later analysis.




用于检索数据的多个电信和现场选项的可用性也允许自定义系统以满足确切的需求。选项包括:语音合成的电话,电话,手机,卫星,无线电,以太网,短途运输,流星突发,同轴电缆和存储模块。系统可以通过呼叫计算机,手机,收音机或寻呼机来编程为发送警报或报告网站条件。可以使用Campbell Scientific软件显示或处理实时或历史数据。数据也可以作为ASCII文件导出,以便通过电子表格,数据库或分析程序进行进一步处理。

Case Studies

South Africa: Transforming a Polluted River
The Jukskei River is one of the largest rivers in Johannesburg, South Africa. The river......read more
maryland: aquaculture lab alarm system
Steve Rodgers is the lab manager at the Aquaculture Research Center of the Institute of......read more
Australia: Sugarcane Soil Nutrient Monitoring
The Silkwood sugarcane water-quality monitoring site was established in 2014 as part of the Paddock......read more
Overview The existing port of Limon was constructed over 30 years ago. With the increase of......read more
arkansas: flood warning
Arkansas: Flood Warning
Hot Springs, Arkansas, is a history-rich city located adjacent to Hot Springs National Park. The......read more
new jersey: trout hatchery
New Jersey: Trout Hatchery
Moving clean, cold water through a trout-rearing facility is essential to its success. A live......read more
china: lake weather and water
China: Lake Weather and Water
In 2006 a cooperative Japanese-Chinese science organization, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), began a......read more
alaska: monitoring mixing dynamics and water quality
Alaska: Monitoring Mixing Dynamics and Water Quality
Toolik Lake is 130 miles south of Prudhoe Bay in northern Alaska. It is one......read more

经常是ked Questions

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  1. Most Campbell Scientific systems are built from individual components. This provides maximum flexibility for our customers, but it does not lend itself to pricing a "typical" system. Contact Campbell Scientific for assistance in pricing a system to meet the unique needs of the application.

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