PC400 4.7

  1. PC400 is now Campbell Scientific's free entry-level datalogger support software.
  2. One of the main efforts in the development of PC400 4.7 has been support for the new GRANITE Data Logger Modules and the new CR350 datalogger. (Note that in the main PC400 interface, the CR350 is considered a CR300Series datalogger. However, in Device Configuration Utility, Short Cut, and the CRBasic Editor, it is a separate device.)
  3. In addition, a Neighbor PakBus Address field has been added to the Datalogger Settings screen in the EZSetup Wizard. This allows you to specify the neighbor you will go through to connect to your datalogger. For example, this can be used to enter the PakBus address of a Konect PakBus router.
  4. Also, a TCP Password field has been added to the Security Settings screen in the EZSetup Wizard to control IP access to a datalogger.
  5. A Software Updater has been added to PC400 and Device Configuration Utility that will automatically notify you when a new release is available. New Version will appear in the menu bar when PC400 or Device Configuration is opened. Click New Version to display the new version available. Click on the new version to be taken to the Software Updater and update your software.
  6. Users of Campbell Scientific's LNDB database software who are using a PostgreSQL or Oracle database can now access the data directly from the database with View Pro. In addition, View Pro now allows you to set graphs to start maximized, set default settings for all new line graphs, and jump to the beginning or end of a line graph.