CCFC Firmware 2.7.6
Updated: 12-23-2020

  1. (minor) Added artist and comment fields to EXIF data, can be set be user on a per media setting basis
  2. (minor) Added Altitude, Direction and Bearing to GPS EXIF data on images, settable by the user
  3. (minor) Added option to change date format on image filenames (YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM_SS or YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS)
  4. (minor) Added option to enable/disable automatic white balance and auto-focus update before image capture
  5. (小)减少255.2默认WiFi网络的子网掩码55.255.0
  6. (minor) Return error when access control is enabled and a user tries to access a restricted webpage
  7. (minor) Added an _NDVI suffix to filename when saving RGB and NDVI images in a single capture