CR3000 OS 31.
Updated: 12-21-2016

  1. (CRITICAL)从版本升级前版本的28Operating System will reset the datalogger’s CPU drive. This is due to a change in the format of the file system from FAT16 to FAT32. In order for the datalogger to operate correctly, as part of the upgrade, the CPU drive is formatted to FAT32. Any programs stored and running from the CPU drive will be lost. It is not recommended to update the datalogger’s Operating System over a remote connection where program control regulates the communication equipment (turning it on or off, etc.). In these cases, an on-site visit and a backup using DevConfig’s backup utility is necessary to update the datalogger’s Operating System. In all cases where the datalogger is being updated with an Operating System prior to 28, the use of DevConfig’s backup utility is recommended due to the fact that the CPU drive is formatted using the new FAT32 format.观看视频教程:将操作系统发送到本地数据记录器。
  2. 固定的HTTPS when usinghttppost()with large files.
  3. Added the ability to display type double in custom menus.
  4. 修复了问题CardOut()files are being allocated. It no longer allows other files to be opened for writing on the card until the process is finished.
  5. 固定参考TableName.FieldName()当字段为双倍。
  6. 修复了Datalogger的FTP服务器,以便将最终数据包附加到传入文件。
  7. 固定的portsconfig()当长效磺胺活跃。
  8. 完成拨号时修复了PPP拨号。
  9. 固定的DHCP_release() when DHCP has not been started.
  10. DNS client fixed to check for a negative TTL which can cause a much larger timeout before the DNS client tries to get a new IP address.
  11. 固定函数声明与()。最近对my_stricmp()内部函数的更改导致编译错误。
  12. Updated operating system to get FILE_SEM when starting os_recompile() to avoid deadlock with SETTING_SEM elsewhere.
  13. 固定的IP tracing of HTTP. It could possibly overwrite memory in certain conditions.
  14. 固定非Wi-Fi记录器的DHCP。
  15. 固定的getDatarecord()when a data interval is specified and when the maximum number of records parameter is either 1 or -1.
  16. 修改了操作系统以避免通过IP任务或BMP任务通过IPTrace撰写文件,因为它可能需要长时间的WatchDog计时器为这些任务。
  17. Added DHCP_release before stopping DHCP so specific PPP modems will work when re-starting DHCP.
  18. 固定的pppclose()to not execute a callback function that has not yet been initialized. This can happen if PPP is opened, but the program closes PPP before the callback function is initialized.
  19. 固定的TableName.Timestamp()从使用虚假指针。
  20. 修改的the operating system when an out-of-bounds condition is detected within a data table to no longer allow the compile to continue. This was causing the PC compiler to crash.
  21. 修改了预编译器以允许新行_继续在注释开始之前。
  22. 固定的false error for units "already assigned" by fixing my_stricmp() function when tabs and/or spaces are at the end of the two strings to be compared.
  23. 固定的ArrayLength(x)当x是一个参数传递到不是数组的子例程。它现在返回0而不是本地数组的维度。
  24. 修复了一个非常不太可能的错误:如果PPP拨号字符串是PPP或空白,并且在尝试关闭PPP的同时收到“客户端”,并且PPP在使用瓶子的争论中。
  25. 固定的ArrayLength()在大程序中调用时。
  26. 固定的ArrayLength()to return 0 if a variable array is not passed in.
  27. 修复解析参数;操作系统现在在每个解析的指令开始时插入4个字节值的行号。以前,使用一个4字节值来维护指令数,结构大小和程序行号。这仅允许12位的行号。通过更长的程序,这导致编译错误消息中的混淆。
  28. 修复了使用包含文件时显示错误的程序名称的PC编译器。
  29. Removed extra space between and that were not needed in the Web API html output.
  30. 删除了extra <!doctype html public \“ - // ietf // dtd html // en \”>正在添加到WebAPI命令Listfiles,SetValue,BrowseSymbols和ClockCheck的HTML输出中。
  31. 修改的the datalogger's web server to add and tags and to report the title with the same message that is sent in the http header (like other web servers do). For example, a 404 error now reports 404 Not "Found".</li> <li>Changed<b><i>setclock()</i></b>so the usec and seconds passed in are adjusted to be in bounds before converting to usec since 1990. This allows CRBasic code to adjust the clock by simply adjusting the usec component of the<b><i>RealTime()</i></b>instruction.</li> <li>固定的Include files with : and \ in them which resulted in erroneous error message of "file too long" in the pre-compiler.</li> <li>Added the ability to send all the data tables when streaming files and the source parameter is "" (a NULL string).</li> <li>Limited<b><i>UDPDataGram()</i></b>释放队列头之前的指令队列到10,并释放内存。</li> <li>Changed<b><i>sendetetvariables()</i></b>to abort if it tries to access variables or store into variables out of bounds.</li> <li>修改的the operating system when Status.WatchdogErrors is non-zero. It will no longer write to an IP Trace file that is writing via the 3212 option in the Files Manager setting.</li> <li>修改的<b><i>GetVariables()</i></b>to allow a variable index into the destination variable.</li> <li>Changed<b><i>GetVariables()</i></b>和<b><i>SendVariables()</i></b>to skip writing if they would write out of bounds in an array.</li> <li>Enhanced<b><i>EmailSend(...,附件,..)</i></b>和<b><i>FTPClient(...,LocalFileNames,...)</i></b>when sending multiple files when some of the files are "streaming" data files. The comma-separated files can now include streaming data files intermixed with other files.</li> <li>修改的<b><i>DataEvent()</i></b>to restart if the<b><i>RecAfter</i></b>参数被否定,并且开始触发条件发生在<b><i>RecAfter</i></b>数数。</li> <li>修改后的Web服务:如果dataQuery引用了不存在的字段名称,则返回no命令。</li> <li>修改的the TCP client data streaming functions (Email, HTTP, FTP). If the parameter specifying the data table is a variable, then state of variable is kept for all the declared data tables independently so the same instance of the function can be called referencing different data tables.</li> <li>固定的SIO4 getting output from a variable of type Long.</li> <li>固定的the CRBasic pre-compiler to flag an error if the Public or Dim declaration of an array is missing the ")" character terminating the dimension.</li> <li>修改的the<b><i>SDMSIO4()</i></b>instruction so the Dest option can be of type Long.</li> <li>修改的<b><i>checksum()</i></b>如果源参数是DataLogger的文件系统中存在的文件名,则在文件上工作。</li> <li>修复了使用JSON形成选项时的ClockCheck指令的Datalogger Web服务API。删除了“描述:”字段中的额外空间。</li> <li>固定的<b><i>checksum()</i></b>使用CRC32选项使用<b><i>checksum()</i></b>文件。</li> <li>固定的the Datalogger Web Service API "ListFiles" instruction's "last write" field for the drive. It is meant to be the date of the operating system, Status.OSDate.</li> <li>Improved the<b><i>Timerio()</i></b>端口冲突错误消息。从“以来返回时间以来返回时间,它必须用于函数<%d。”以“以来返回时间以来,自Chan%d以来返回时间,必须为函数<%d编程Chan%D.”。</li> <li>修改了CRBasic预编译器以使用我们的本机CSI_ATOF功能而不是GCC库函数,以将字符串转换为浮动。这带有CR3000,CR1000和CR8X0的预编译器,符合已使用此方法的CR6预编译器。</li> <li>固定的<b><i>httpput()</i></b>在未经授权的情况下(HTTP错误401),直到邮件末尾(文件)。Web浏览器无法在发送整个文件之前看到标题响应。</li> <li>A hidden constant table can now be displayed via the keyboard display only if security is set to the highest level.</li> <li>修复了错误消息中的拼写错误“结果必须是Typpe String的变量”到“结果必须是字符串类型的变量”指令。</li> <li>Web service services<b><i>httppost()</i></b>the same as<b><i>httpget()。</i></b>API commands like FileControl would generally be issued as<b><i>httppost()</i></b>instead of<b><i>httpget()。</i></b></li> <li>固定的<b><i>getDatarecord()</i></b>to not insert a -1 for the interval of the local data table. This -1 erroneously flagged the table to act as an interval-driven table that resulted in a misleading compile error if the same table was referenced by a subsequent<b><i>getDatarecord().</i></b>The error was removed.</li> <li>固定的re-syncing the CPI bus with SC-CPI and slow sequences when a module is disconnected.</li> <li>修改了操作系统以允许“然后”与“#ifdef”预处理器指令。</li> </ol> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <footer class="hidden-print"> <div class="container-fluid toprow"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-12 col-md-12 col-sm-12 col-xs-12"> <span class="social hidden-xs"><a href="" target="_blank"><i class="csi-iconfont csi-twitter"></i></a><a href="" target="_blank"><i class="csi-iconfont csi-facebook"></i></a><a href="" target="_blank"><i class="csi-iconfont csi-youtube"></i></a><a href="" target="_blank"><i class="csi-iconfont csi-linkedin"></i></a></span> <span class="lead">万博matex网页登录</span> <div class="margintop10 marginbottom10 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