
加利福尼亚州圣地亚哥县的北部县运输区(NCTD)确定,应监视Del Mar的沿海悬崖上方的三段铁轨,以进行危险的斜坡运动。这导致了沿1000米轨道的连续监测系统的开发。由于要监视的长度,因此使用常规的单点监测系统,例如多个倾斜度或现场倾斜仪(IPI)是不切实际的。沿着赛道的任何地方都可能发生虚张声势,因此使用单点仪器将需要大量的传感器和监视器。取而代之的是,提议沿轨道的高牢固段安装水平的时间域反射量(TDR)同轴电缆传感器。

The TDR monitoring system works similarly to radar. It uses a coaxial cable as a sensor, with any slope movement deforming or shearing the cable at the location of movement. When a voltage pulse from a reflectometer encounters a deformation, or the end of the sensor, the amount of reflected energy is proportional to the extent of the deformation. The reflectometer accurately determines the location of the deformation and the relative extent of movement as noted by the magnitude of the reflection.

Site Description


Although the bluffs appeared stable, there had been some erosion problems that required soldier-pile walls, drainage enhancements, and shotcrete reinforcement. In addition, about fifty years earlier one segment of the bluff had failed, causing the wreck of a freight train.


Instrumentation Overview





At each monitoring station were a Campbell Scientific CR10X datalogger, SDMX50 TDR multiplexer, and TDR100 reflectometer. The datalogger polled two horizontal TDR cables every four minutes and compared the reflected waveform to a baseline signature. If the reflected data indicated a deformed or broken cable, an alert signal consisting of 5 Vdc was applied to a wire monitored by the CR23X Micrologger® at the central control and monitoring unit. There, an automated telephone dialer notified railway personnel of possible bluff movement. Personnel could then contact the system by telephone and determine the location of the cable deformation so that a safety inspection of the bluff and track could be made.

The datalogger was capable of distinguishing between a lowlevel alert (deformed cable indicating small movement), and a high-level alert (sheared cable and possible large magnitude slope failure). TDR sensor cables were routed under the tracks and installed parallel to the tracks in a shallow trench. The cables were enclosed in a cement/sand grout to ensure deformation should a slope movement occur. A total of approximately 1000 meters of sensor cable was installed.


Each datalogger was connected to a Campbell Scientific MD9 multidrop interface. RG59 coaxial cable was used to connect these network nodes. At the central monitoring station, an additional MD9 accessed the network dataloggers through the telephone line.






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