HMP60-L.气温and Relative Humidity Sensor
Accurate, Rugged
Ideal for long-term, unattended applications
weather applications water applications energy applications gas flux and turbulence applications 基础设施应用程序 土壤应用


由Vaisala制造的HMP60,探头测量空气温度为-40°至+ 60℃,相对湿度为0至100%RH。它使用互连®电容式RH芯片。该现场可替换芯片消除了通常需要重新校准过程所需的停机时间。

Benefits and Features

  • Field-replaceable humidity chip eliminates recalibration downtime
  • 兼容的with most Campbell Scientific dataloggers
  • Can be mounted to a tower/tripod mast or crossarm




Supply Voltage 5至28 VDC(通常由Datalogger的12 V电源供电)
Current Consumption
  • 1 ma(典型)
  • 5 mA(最大)
Filter Description 0.2 µm Teflon membrane
Settling Time 1秒钟
Housing Classification IP65.
筑屋材料 AISI 316 stainless steel
过滤帽材质 Chrome-coated ABS plastic
Field-Replaceable Chip or Recalibrate 现场可更换芯片(仅限RH)
传感器直径 1.2厘米(0.5英寸)
Filter Diameter 1.2厘米(0.5英寸)
长度 7.1厘米(2.8英寸)
重量 0.05 kg (0.1 lb) with 1.83 m (6 ft) cable


传感元素 Vaisala’s INTERCAP capacitive chip
Measurement Range 0 to 100% RH (non-condensing)
  • ±5% (0 to 90% RH)
  • ±7% (90 to 100% RH)
Typical Accuracy at 0° to 40°C
  • ±3% (0 to 90% RH)
  • ±5%(90至100%RH)
Typical Accuracy at 40° to 60°C
  • ±5% (0 to 90% RH)
  • ±7% (90 to 100% RH)


传感元素 1000欧姆铂电阻温度计(PRT)
Measurement Range -40° to +60°C
Accuracy ±0.6°C


笔记:The following shows notable compatibility information. It is not a comprehensive list of all compatible or incompatible products.


产品 兼容的 笔记

Additional Compatibility Information


When exposed to sunlight, the HMP60 must be housed in a 41303-5A, 41303-5B, or RAD06 6-plate naturally aspirated radiation shield. The 41303-5A and RAD06 attaches to a crossarm, mast, or user-supplied pipe with a 2.5 to 5.3 cm (1.0 to 2.1 in.) outer diameter. The 41303-5B attaches to a CM500-series pole or a user-supplied pole with a 5.1 cm (2.4 in.) outer diameter.

RAD06采用双百叶窗设计,可提供改善的传感器保护,从驾驶雨,雪和昆虫侵入,它在明亮的阳光下较低的自加热,加上较高的温度(> 24°C [〜75°F])和low wind speeds (< 2 m s-1[~4.5 mph]), giving a better measurement.



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  1. HMP60-L(带坎贝尔科学电缆)不能与41003-5 10板辐射屏蔽一起使用,而无需使用额外的硬件。了解更多信息,refer to the Compatibility information on the HMP60-L product page. The standard radiation shield for the HMP60-L is the 41303-5A.

  2. In general, the element should be replaced every two years. By doing a field check (that is, comparing the RH reading with a reference), the element can be used until the relative humidity measurement is out of tolerance.

  3. The most significant difference is that the CS215-L has an SDI-12 output and that the HMP60-L has a voltage output. Additional differences are outlined in the “空气温度和相对湿度“手册,比较所有坎贝尔科学温度和相对湿度传感器。

  4. 大多数坎贝尔科学传感器可作为-L提供,表示用户指定的电缆长度。如果传感器被列为-LX模型(其中“x”是其他字符),则该传感器的电缆具有用户指定的长度,但它终止具有唯一系统的特定连接器:

    • An –LC model has a user-specified cable length for connection to an ET107, CS110, or retired Metdata1.
    • An –LQ model has a user-specified cable length for connection to a RAWS-P weather station.

    如果传感器在主型号之后没有-L或其他-LX指定,则传感器具有设定的电缆长度。电缆长度在产品订购信息中的描述字段的末尾列出。例如,034B-ET模型的描述描述了“Met One Wind for Et Station,67英寸电缆。”。产品具有集合电缆长度终止,作为默认尾纤。

    If a cable terminates with a special connector for a unique system, the end of the model number designates which system. For example, the 034B-ET model designates the sensor as a 034B for an ET107 system.

    • -et模型与ET107气象站的连接器终止。
    • –ETM models terminate with the connector for an ET107 weather station, but they also include a special system mounting, which is often convenient when purchasing a replacement part.
    • –QD models terminate with the connector for a RAWS-F Quick Deployment Station.
    • –PW models terminate with the connector for a PWENC or pre-wired system.
  5. Not every sensor has different cable termination options. The options available for a particular sensor can be checked by looking in two places in the Ordering information area of the sensor product page:

    • Model number
    • Cable Termination Options list

    如果一个传感器提供一个外星人,etm、lc、lq,or –QD version, that option’s availability is reflected in the sensor model number. For example, the 034B is offered as the 034B-ET, 034B-ETM, 034B-LC, 034B-LQ, and 034B-QD.

    All of the other cable termination options, if available, are listed on the Ordering information area of the sensor product page under “Cable Termination Options.” For example, the 034B-L Wind Set is offered with the –CWS, –PT, and –PW options, as shown in the Ordering information area of the 034B-L product page.


  6. 注意校准和现场检查之间的差异。校准不能在现场进行,因为它需要经验丰富的技术人员和专业设备。


    1. Find a second sensor of the same type as the installed sensor whose data is in question. The second sensor will be used as a benchmark sensor and should be known to be accurate or recently calibrated.
    2. At the site, take readings using both sensors under the same conditions. The best practice is to measure both sensors side-by-side at the same time. Note that the sensors will never have the exact same measurement.
    3. Depending on the sensor model, if the difference in the readings of the installed and benchmark sensors is greater than the sum of the accuracies for both sensors, either return the installed sensor to Campbell Scientific for calibration or replace the appropriate chip.
      • 107, 108, 109, 110 pv-l, BlackGlobe-Lrature sensors can be calibrated.
      • The HC2S3-L and HMP155A-L temperature and relative humidity sensors can be calibrated.
      • The CS215-L has a replaceable chip for temperature and relative humidity.了解更多信息,refer to the “Maintenance and Calibration” section of the CS215说明书
      • HMP60-L仅具有可更换芯片的相对湿度。了解更多信息,请参阅HMP60的“维护”部分说明书
  7. 许多坎贝尔科学传感器可提供不同的电缆终端选项。这些选项包括以下内容:

    • The –PT (–PT w/Tinned Wires) option is the default option and does not display on the product line as the other options do. The cable terminates in pigtails that connect directly to a data logger.
    • In the –C (–C w/ET/CS110 Connector) option, the cable terminates in a connector that attaches to a CS110 Electric Field Meter or an ET-series weather station.
    • In the –CWS (–CWS w/CWS900 Connector) option, the cable terminates in a connector that attaches to a CWS900-series interface. Connection to a CWS900-series interface allows the sensor to be used in a wireless sensor network.
    • In the –PW (–PW w/Pre-Wire Connector) option, the cable terminates in a connector that attaches to a prewired enclosure.
    • In the –RQ (–RQ w/RAWS Connector) option, the cable terminates in a connector that attaches to a RAWS-P Permanent Remote Automated Weather Station.

    笔记:电缆终端选项的可用性因传感器而异。例如,传感器可能没有,两个或多个选项可供选择。如果没有为特定传感器列出所需的选项,请联系Campbell Scientific进行帮助。

  8. 为了将与无线传感器接口兼容到无线网络中的传感器,需要CWS900系列无线传感器接口,以及A205 CWS-To-PC接口来配置它。


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