Resetting the data logger

A data logger reset is sometimes referred to as a "memory reset." Backing up the current data logger configuration before a reset makes it easy to revert to the old settings. To back up the data logger configuration, connect to the data logger usingClosedDevice Configuration UtilitySoftware tool used to set up data loggers and peripherals, and to configure PakBus settings before those devices are deployed in the field and/or added to networks., and clickBackup>Back Up Datalogger. To restore a configuration after the data logger has been reset, connect and clickBackup>Restore Datalogger.

The following features are available for complete or selective reset of data logger memory:

  • Processor reset
  • Program send reset
  • Manual data table reset
  • Formatting memory drives
  • Full memory reset

Processor reset

To reset the processor, simply power cycle the data logger. This resets its short-term memory, restarts the current program, sets variables to their starting values, and clears communications buffers. This does not clear data tables but may result in a skipped record. If the data logger is remote, a power cycle can be mimicked in aTerminal Emulatorprogram (type REBOOT ).

Program send reset

Final-data memory is erased when user programs are uploaded, unless preserve / erase data options are used and the program was not altered. Preserve / erase data options are presented when sending programs usingClosedFile ControlFile Control is a feature of LoggerNet, PC400, Device Configuration Utility, and RTDAQ data logger support software. It provides a view of the data logger file system and a menu of file management commands.Sendcommand andCRBasic EditorCompile, Save and Send.


It is good practice to always retrieve data from the data logger before sending a program; otherwise, data may be lost. SeeCollecting datafor detailed instruction.

When a program compiles, all variables are initialized. A program is recompiled after a power failure or a manual stop. For instances that require variables to be preserved through a program recompile, considerPreserveVariables().

Manual data table reset

Data table memory is selectively reset from:

Formatting drives

CPU, USR, CRD (memory card required), and USB (module required) drives can be formatted individually. Formatting a drive erases all files on that drive. If the currently running user program is on the drive to be formatted, the program will cease running and data associated with the program are erased. Drive formatting is performed through theCloseddata logger support softwareLoggerNet, RTDAQ, and PC400 - these Campbell Scientific software applications include at least the following functions: data logger communications, downloading programs, clock setting, and retrieval of measurement data.ClosedFile ControlFile Control is a feature of LoggerNet, PC400, Device Configuration Utility, and RTDAQ data logger support software. It provides a view of the data logger file system and a menu of file management commands.>Formatcommand.

Full memory reset

Full memory reset occurs when an operating system is sent to the data logger usingClosedDevice Configuration UtilitySoftware tool used to set up data loggers and peripherals, and to configure PakBus settings before those devices are deployed in the field and/or added to networks.or when entering98765in theStatustable fieldFullMemReset(seeInformation tables and settings (advanced)). A full memory reset does the following:

  • 清理和格式CPU驱动(所有项目文件ased)
  • Clears data tables.
  • ClearsStatustable fields.
  • Restores settings to default.
  • Initializes system variables.
  • Clears communications memory.

Full memory reset does not affect the CRD drive directly. Subsequent user program uploads, however, can erase CRD.SeeUpdating the operating systemfor more information.