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Cannot set primary DNS on CR6

fedececca Feb 9, 2022 09:13 AM

Dear all,

I have an operating CR6 with OS7.0 on board, in a remote location, connected through a lan.

The datalogger has a fixed IP address assigned by the IT manager and must use specific DNS.

For some unknown reason even if I set DNS1 and DNS2 with my custom server names, the first option in the list displayed in "ethernet network addresses" box (tab SettingsEditos--Ethernet in DEVCONF) is always an OpenDNS server (that I never used):

I tried to set my DNS either via Devconf, ether with SetSetting command, and in both cases my own DNS are listed as 2° and 3° option after the OPENdns one. That won't work in our lan.

I checked other loggers managed by us, and I normally see as a third option, after DNS1 and DNS2 and not as a first option.

Any idea?

Thanks in advance,

Federico Ceccarelli

jtrauntvein Feb 9, 2022 01:51 PM

If the CR6 is being configured on the LAN using DHCP, the name server addresses configured through DHCP will take precedence over any addresses entered through settings. You can disable DHCP by explicitely setting the datalogger network settings for the Ethernet interface.

fedececca Feb 9, 2022 02:34 PM


thanks for you're feedback.

The DHCP has been already disabled and the ethernet explicitely configured with static IP, gateway netmask and DNSs. Yet the custom DNS are listed below the OPEN Dns one, as second and third choice.

We have many ethernet loggers running: CR6 , CR1000X, CR310. All of them configured with static IP and for all of them the OPEN DSN server comes as the third option, as it should be.

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