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问题”datalogger's PakBus address is 4095"

Tomek Jan 28, 2022 09:34 AM

Hi everyone, someone knows, how to resolve the problem with the CR310 logger who at connecting moment logger-computer show message "the datalogger's PakBus address is 4095"???? I can't connect to datalogger. I don't have the strength for this logger anymore. Tomek

jtrauntvein Jan 31, 2022 03:57 PM

The PakBus address is defined as having 12 bits so the maximum value for that address is 4095. This last value is defined as a broadcast address meaning that, if a packet is sent to that address, all devices that receive it would respond regardless of their own address. For that reason, a value of 4095 cannot be assigned to the datalogger inside of devconfig nor will loggernet allow you to use it in the setup screen.

If you don't know what the datalogger's PakBus address is, then you can use the device configuration utility to connect to it and can see the address there as one of the datalogger's settings. LoggerNet also has a search feature on the "New PakBus Nodes" tab for the PakBus port type device that will allow you to search the link for PakBus devices.

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