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Invalidate A Discrete Time of Data

pah Jan 19, 2022 05:22 PM

Hello All,

I have a sensor that is taking continuous measurments 24 hours a day. The instrument does an automatic zero check every morning from 5:55am to 6:10am (15 minutes). I would like to invalidate this 15 minute period of data when taking averages. There are other sensors in the program that will not need this period invalidated.

Any suggestions for the best way to make sure this 15 minute period is not included in the averaging data tables? Thank you for your help.


Sam Feb 14, 2022 02:03 AM


Use the DisableVar parameter of the DataTable Average instruction.

Use a Variable or Expression to make DisableVar non-zero during that 15 minute period. When non-zero, the current measurement will be excluded from the average saved to the DataTable. If the disable variable is true over the entire DataTable output interval, NAN will be stored.

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