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CR1000 Warning: Watchdog timer IP Panic triggered

furban Oct 15, 2021 06:59 PM

Any suggestions on how to fix this would be much appreciated! I have a CR1000 that is interfaced to an RF451 and communicates via CSIO and a SC932A. Data is telemetered via a repeater to a base station (both RF451) and an NL200 Network Link Interface. The CR1000 is running Std.32.05. There are CR1000X loggers and RF451's on the same network running OS Std.05.01. The NL200 OS is NL200.10.03. The firmware versions on the radios are 10.7.04 and RF451.01.01.

The logger in question recently had a new program uploaded while on site. I collected the .tdf file and loaded into the loggernet server that contacts the NL200. I tried multiple times (automated on a schedule) over 3-4 day period to connect to the logger with no luck. I would always get a Table Defs Suspect error... and no connection.

I know there were good radio communications because I could monitor the connection via freewave diagnostic software and could poll and collect radio settings and stats.

某物happened though and I have lost all connection to the logger and the radio as well. (The logger was programmed to turn the radio on and off at certain times during the day). The only thing that changed in the program that was loaded was to add an option to set a flag to turn the radio on more often than in the previous program- nothing else.

In "Setup" in my loggernet server when I go to the "Program" tab I see a Last Compile Results date that was 4 days after the site visit when the program was loaded and I have the following error

CR1000 Warning: Watchdog timer IP Panic triggered.

CPU:MYPROGRAM.CR1 -- Compiled in SequentialMode.

Any ideas what to do? This is in a pretty remote location requiring a multi-day trip for site access and only for another couple weeks before there is too much snow for easy access.

I could potentially schedule a site visit but need some direction on what to do

swap in logger? upgrade OS? I know it does have a good lithium battery -

There is nothing in the CR1000 manual about the IP Panic error but it is mentioned in the CR1000X manual

Many thanks!

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