传感器/ Electrical Current Sensors
Electrical Current Sensors

Product Line

CS11-L AC Current Sensor

Frequently Asked Questions

Number of FAQs related toElectrical Current Sensors:7


  1. Not every sensor comes with a calibration sheet. If a calibration sheet is included, it is listed in the “Ships With” section of the sensor’s product web page or it is specified when ordered.

  2. Whenever possible, purchase a sensor with the desired cable length. Some sensors have a user-specified cable length, whereas other sensors have a set cable length.



    • Some sensor cables have bridge completion resistors at the pigtail end
    • Some sensors are calibrated based on cable length
    • 有时绝缘中的颜色与尾纤末端可见的颜色不同
    • 根据拼接的完整性,可以引入错误或故障


    由于潜在的问题,请勿在没有首先联系Campbell Scientific将传感器详细讨论传感器的任何传感器电缆。

  3. Sometimes, an old cable can be replaced with a new, shorter cable.


    • 有些传感器在尾纤末端具有桥接完成电阻。
    • 一些传感器校准长度。
    • Sometimes the color in the insulation may not be the same as that visible at the pigtail end.

    由于潜在的问题,请勿在没有首先联系Campbell Scientific将传感器详细讨论传感器的任何传感器电缆。

  4. Most Campbell Scientific sensors are available as an –L, which indicates a user-specified cable length. If a sensor is listed as an –LX model (where “X” is some other character), that sensor’s cable has a user-specified length, but it terminates with a specific connector for a unique system:

    • An –LC model has a user-specified cable length for connection to an ET107, CS110, or retired Metdata1.
    • An –LQ model has a user-specified cable length for connection to a RAWS-P weather station.

    If a sensor does not have an –L or other –LX designation after the main model number, the sensor has a set cable length. The cable length is listed at the end of the Description field in the product’s Ordering information. For example, the 034B-ET model has a description of “Met One Wind Set for ET Station, 67 inch Cable.” Products with a set cable length terminate, as a default, with pigtails.


    • -et模型与ET107气象站的连接器终止。
    • –ETM models terminate with the connector for an ET107 weather station, but they also include a special system mounting, which is often convenient when purchasing a replacement part.
    • –QD models terminate with the connector for a RAWS-F Quick Deployment Station.
    • –PW models terminate with the connector for a PWENC or pre-wired system.
  5. 并非每个传感器都有不同的电缆终端选项。可以通过在传感器产品页面的“排序信息”区域中查看两个位置来检查特定传感器的选项:

    • Model number
    • 电缆终止选项列表



    Note:As newer products are added to our inventory, typically, we will list multiple cable termination options under a single sensor model rather than creating multiple model numbers. For example, the HC2S3-L has a –C cable termination option for connecting it to a CS110 instead of offering an HC2S3-LC model.

  6. Many Campbell Scientific sensors are available with different cable termination options. These options include the following:

    • -pt(-pt w / tinned wirs)选项是默认选项,并在产品行上显示其他选项。电缆终止于直接连接到数据记录器的尾纤。
    • - c (- c w / ET / CS110连接器)选项,cable terminates in a connector that attaches to a CS110 Electric Field Meter or an ET-series weather station.
    • 在-wws(-cws w / cws900连接器)选项中,电缆终止于连接到CWS900系列接口的连接器中。与CWS900系列接口的连接允许传感器用于无线传感器网络。
    • In the –PW (–PW w/Pre-Wire Connector) option, the cable terminates in a connector that attaches to a prewired enclosure.
    • 在-RQ(-RQ W / RAWS连接器)选项中,电缆终止于连接到Raws-P永久远程自动化气象站的连接器中。

    Note:The availability of cable termination options varies by sensor. For example, sensors may have none, two, or several options to choose from. If a desired option is not listed for a specific sensor, contact Campbell Scientific for assistance.

  7. 许多次,但并非总是,传感器的电缆可以用新电缆替换。如果原始电缆损坏或需要更改其长度,则会有用。

    If the cable is attached to the sensor using a connector, Campbell Scientific will sell a replacement cable. For example, a 05106CBL-L is a replacement cable for a 05106-L. Replacement cables are listed in the “Replacement Parts” section of the Ordering information area of the product page.

    If the cable is attached to a sensor through a user-accessible terminal block, a raw cable can be purchased to replace it. For example, to replace the cable on a 05103-L Wind Monitor, order the desired length ofPN 9721,24 AWG 3 Twisted Pair Shielded Santoprene Cable. As another example, the raw cable for a TE525-L Rain Gage ispn 9661,22 AWG 1 Twisted Pair Shielded Santoprene Cable.

    如果电缆是传感器的组成部分,则电缆不能更换电缆,并且传感器必须返回到Campbell Scientific。落入该类别的传感器的一些示例包括107-L,109SS-L,229-L,CS547A-L和CS650-L。F或将设备退回坎贝尔科学的过程, refer to the修复和校准page.

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