CMP6-L Pyranometer
ISO First Class
Double glass dome and increased thermal mass
improve performance
weather applications water applications energy applications gas flux and turbulence applications infrastructure applications 土壤应用


The CMP6, manufactured by Kipp & Zonen, is an ISO first-class pyranometer that monitors solar radiation for the full solar spectrum range. It connects directly to a Campbell Scientific data logger and is commonly used for environmental monitoring, solar resource assessment, and solar power performance applications.


Benefits and Features

  • Double glass dome and increased thermal mass improve performance, allowing it to have an ISO first-class classification
  • 兼容的with most Campbell Scientific data loggers
  • 综合泡泡级别可见,而不会移除防晒屏蔽
  • 填充干燥的干燥盒防止露珠在圆顶的内侧形成
  • 兼容的with the CVF4 heater/ventilator that keeps the domes free from ice and dew
  • Measures reflected solar radiation when inverted
  • Provides measurements in direct sunlight, under plant canopies, when the sky is cloudy, and in artificial light
  • 兼容的with the CWS900-series interfaces, allowing it to be used in a wireless sensor network


Detailed Description

The CMP6 measures solar radiation with a high-quality blackened thermopile protected by two glass domes. Its flat spectral sensitivity, from 285 to 2800 nm, makes it ideal for applications in natural sunlight, under plant canopies, in green houses or buildings, and inverted to measure reflected solar radiation.

A desiccant-filled drying cartridge prevents dew from forming on the inner sides of the CMP6's domes. Campbell Scientific also offers the CVF4 heater/ventilator that keeps its domes free from ice and dew.


The CMP6 produces a millivolt signal that is measured directly by a Campbell Scientific data logger.


Sensor High-quality blackened thermopile protected by two glass domes
Measurement Description Monitors solar radiation for the full solar spectrum range
ISO分类 Class B (first class)
Spectral Range 285到2800 nm
Sensitivity 5 to 20 μV W-1M.2
Temperature Dependence of Sensitivity < 4% (-10° to +40°C)
Response Time < 18 s (95% of final value)
Zero Offset Due to Thermal Radiation < 15 W/m2(200 W/m2的)
Non-Stability <1%(变更/年)
Non-Linearity <1%(0 to 1000 W/m2的)
定向误差 < 20 W/m2(高达80°,1000 w / m2beam)
Tilt Error <1%
Level Accuracy 0.1°
阻抗 20 to 200 Ω
工作温度范围 -40° to +80°C
典型的信号输出 0 to 20 mV (for atmospheric applications)
Maximum Irradiance 2000 W/m2
预计日常不确定性 < 5%
Dome Diameter 5 cm (2 in.)
Width 15 cm (5.9 in.) with shield
Height 9.25 cm (3.64 in.)
Weight 0.9 kg (2 lb) with 10.1 m (33 ft) cable


笔记:The following shows notable compatibility information. It is not a comprehensive list of all compatible or incompatible products.

Data Loggers

产品 兼容的 笔记

Additional Compatibility Information





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  1. 电缆长度为300英尺的电缆长度可以与理解一起使用,即可以将额外的噪声引入测量。通常,在具有粘连仪的系统中,传感器安装在数据记录器附近(在50英尺处)。如果申请需要长期领导,请联系Campbell Scientific获得帮助。

  2. 不。这些都是被动的设备创建寡糖r own voltage signal as a response to the measurement being made. There is, however, a heater and ventilator for these sensors (CVF4-L) that requires a power supply.

  3. Not every sensor has different cable termination options. The options available for a particular sensor can be checked by looking in two places in the Ordering information area of the sensor product page:

    • Model number
    • Cable Termination Options list

    If a sensor is offered in an –ET, –ETM, –LC, –LQ, or –QD version, that option’s availability is reflected in the sensor model number. For example, the 034B is offered as the 034B-ET, 034B-ETM, 034B-LC, 034B-LQ, and 034B-QD.

    All of the other cable termination options, if available, are listed on the Ordering information area of the sensor product page under “Cable Termination Options.” For example, the 034B-L Wind Set is offered with the –CWS, –PT, and –PW options, as shown in the Ordering information area of the 034B-L product page.


  4. 大多数坎贝尔科学传感器可作为-L提供,表示用户指定的电缆长度。如果传感器被列为-LX模型(其中“x”是其他字符),则该传感器的电缆具有用户指定的长度,但它终止具有唯一系统的特定连接器:

    • An –LC model has a user-specified cable length for connection to an ET107, CS110, or retired Metdata1.
    • An –LQ model has a user-specified cable length for connection to a RAWS-P weather station.

    如果传感器在主型号之后没有-L或其他-LX指定,则传感器具有设定的电缆长度。电缆长度在产品订购信息中的描述字段的末尾列出。例如,034B-ET模型的描述描述了“Met One Wind for Et Station,67英寸电缆。”。产品具有集合电缆长度终止,作为默认尾纤。

    If a cable terminates with a special connector for a unique system, the end of the model number designates which system. For example, the 034B-ET model designates the sensor as a 034B for an ET107 system.

    • –ET models terminate with the connector for an ET107 weather station.
    • –ETM models terminate with the connector for an ET107 weather station, but they also include a special system mounting, which is often convenient when purchasing a replacement part.
    • –QD models terminate with the connector for a RAWS-F Quick Deployment Station.
    • –PW models terminate with the connector for a PWENC or pre-wired system.
  5. The ISO and WMO classify First Class pyranometers, such as the CMP6-L, as suitable for network operations. However, if accuracy is of paramount concern, consider using Secondary Standard pyranometers, such as the CMP11-L and CMP21-L, instead.
  6. 是的。每个Pyranometer都附带了由Kipp&Zonen提供的使用说明书,其中包含有关其结构,光谱灵敏度,余弦响应和简单传感器检查程序的信息。包含在传感器和手动中是具有传感器灵敏度值和序列号的校准证书。

  7. 许多坎贝尔科学传感器可提供不同的电缆终端选项。这些选项包括以下内容:

    • The –PT (–PT w/Tinned Wires) option is the default option and does not display on the product line as the other options do. The cable terminates in pigtails that connect directly to a data logger.
    • In the –C (–C w/ET/CS110 Connector) option, the cable terminates in a connector that attaches to a CS110 Electric Field Meter or an ET-series weather station.
    • In the –CWS (–CWS w/CWS900 Connector) option, the cable terminates in a connector that attaches to a CWS900-series interface. Connection to a CWS900-series interface allows the sensor to be used in a wireless sensor network.
    • In the –PW (–PW w/Pre-Wire Connector) option, the cable terminates in a connector that attaches to a prewired enclosure.
    • 在中移动(rq w /画连接器)选项,cable terminates in a connector that attaches to a RAWS-P Permanent Remote Automated Weather Station.

    笔记:电缆终端选项的可用性因传感器而异。例如,传感器可能没有,两个或多个选项可供选择。如果没有为特定传感器列出所需的选项,请联系Campbell Scientific进行帮助。

  8. Because of the loss of IR radiation, nearly all thermopile instruments typically have a negative offset. This offset is most easily visible at night-time, when a small negative value is read instead of zero. This same offset is present during the daytime, but it is not as visible because of the large solar signal.


  9. 所有这些Pyranomets都测量入射在表面上的太阳短波辐射量。由于它们的准确性和性能水平,CMP11-L和CMP21-L由国际标准化组织(ISO)和世界气象组织(WMO)作为二级标准传感器进行分类,代表了焦点计的最高级别测量。相比之下,CMP6-L被归类为第一类传感器,这是显塔计的中间分类。(二等课是最低的夸山仪分类。)

  10. 为了将与无线传感器接口兼容到无线网络中的传感器,需要CWS900系列无线传感器接口,以及A205 CWS-To-PC接口来配置它。

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