By using Campbell Scientific’s external line of cellular modules, system integrators, OEMs, and large end users can avoid costly, time-consuming maintenance visits to remote devices around the world.
Cell200系列的外部蜂窝模块是4G LTE蜂窝设备,可提供串行或CS I / O连接到多个蜂窝网络,包括Verizon,AT&T,T-Mobile USA,Rogers,Bell,Telstra和Telus。Cell200系列使用的网络和载波由使用的模型和插入设备中的SIM卡确定。
这CELL210 has very low power consumption when compared to other cellular modems: 14 mA at idle, 25 mA when active, and 300 µA when in low power mode.
When coupled with Campbell Scientific data services, these devices are ready for you to use out of the box. There is no need for you to work with cellular carriers for provisioning and experience the accompanying hassle.
这CELL210 is part of the CELL200 series of modems that includes:
阅读更多电池210是工业4G LTE蜂窝模块。它需要由蜂窝载波提供的至少一个微型SIM 3FF卡(用于六个位置/触点界面)和合适的12或24 VDC标称电源。Cell210具有RS-232串口和CS I / O端口,可用于串行服务器,串行客户端和PPP主机服务。这些端口通常连接到数据记录器RS-232串行或CS I / O端口。电池单元210具有两个天线连接器,用于用于主和分集天线,尽管该单元只能用连接的主蜂窝天线一起操作。
这CELL210 provides Internet connectivity to any Campbell Scientific data logger located within range of a compatible cellular network. Armed with Internet connectivity, a data logger can remotely connect to Campbell Scientific software on a PC, mobile device, and the cloud. The CELL210 can also enable many data loggers to communicate using other Internet protocols, such as Modbus, DNP3, email, and web (HTTP).
这CELL210 provides highly reliable connectivity and remote device management independent of the device it is connected to. The numerous embedded services include IP serial server and client.
Campbell Scientific为Cell210提供低成本的蜂窝数据服务计划。我们的数据服务计划包括美国和AT&T在北美(美国,墨西哥,加拿大)的AT&T,以及185个国家的600多个运营商的国际访问。这Konect路由服务包括在内,以确保与Campbell Scientific Logger支持软件安全连接。
这CELL210 is configured using a web-based configuration tool hosted by the cellular module. It can be accessed using Internet Explorer or Firefox remotely over the cellular WAN (when in serial server mode) or via USB.
这CELL210 can also be configured directly from the data logger when used in PPP mode (default mode) using the设备配置实用程序or CRBasic instructions.
Data loggers can be connected in a variety of ways to suit the needs of the application. Common methods include the use of serial or CS I/O cables.
Compared to many other industrial cellular modules, the CELL210 has extremely low power consumption. The average current consumption at 12 Vdc is approximately 14 mA when idle, depending on its configuration. Additionally, the CELL210 can be turned on and off easily using a data logger SW12V port or theIPNetPower()instruction (PPP mode for the CR1000X, CR300, and CR6 only). When using the SW12V terminal, the modem can typically be powered with aBP12电池, aCH150 charging regulator, 和SP10太阳能电池板。
Campbell Scientific为Cell210提供三个天线。我们的4G / 3G / 2G 0 DBD蜂窝偶极鞭天线(PN 32256.) connects directly to the CELL210 (no cable required) and can transmit short distances. Our higher gain omnidirectional (PN 18285.) and Yagi (PN 31128) antennas require a cable to connect them to the CELL210. TheCOAXSMA-L cableconnects the antennas directly to the CELL210 cellular antenna connector. TheCOAXNTN-L cable和一个浪涌保护器(pn 31317当Cell210易受闪电或静电堆积或长电缆运行时使用时使用)。
传输距离或区域 | 依赖于使用的天线和LTE,WCDMA,GSM边缘和GSM GPRS覆盖范围。 |
认证 | IC(加拿大工业)10224A-201611EC21A |
Host Interface |
RF连接器 | 2 SMA天线连接器(初级和多样性) |
工作温度范围 | -40° to +80°C |
SIM Interface | 图3FF(6个位置/触点) 支持需要1.8或3 VDC的SIM卡。 |
Service Requirements | Network coverage at the data logger site and cellular data service plan. |
方面 | 13.46 x 8.1 x 2.86 cm (5.3 x 3.19 x 1.13 in.) |
重量 | 215.5克(7.6盎司) |
Cellular WAN |
网络技术 | 4G LTE CAT-1 |
承认运营商批准 | Verizon |
LTE | AWS (B4), 700(B13) |
数据速度 |
RS-232 or CS I/O | 9600 bps至460.8 kps |
力量Consumption |
低功耗模式 | 300μA. |
Idle | 14马 |
Active | 25马 |
Radio Output and Sensitivity |
输出功率 | 在LTE上的23 dBm |
敏感范围 | -99.5 to 110.5 dBm (10 M) |
笔记:这following shows notable compatibility information. It is not a comprehensive list of all compatible or incompatible products.
产品 | 兼容的 | 笔记 |
笔记:In serial server mode, a cellular account with a static IP address is required.
Data Logger Model | 通过CS I / O端口连接到Cell210 | 通过RS-232端口连接到Cell210(选择一个) |
CR300 and CR310 |
N / A. |
CR6 | 16675SC12 CS I/O cable |
CR1000X. | 16675SC12 CS I/O cable (PPP和串行服务器) |
CR200(X) Series | N / A. |
CR800. and CR850 |
16675SC12 CS I/O cable |
CR1000 and CR3000 |
16675SC12 CS I/O cable |
CR5000. | N / A. |
CR510 and CR10X. |
N / A. |
CR510-PB和 CR10X.-PB |
16675SC12 CS I/O cable |
CR23x. | N / A. |
CR23x.-PB | 16675SC12 CS I/O cable |
来update the CELL200 series operating system:
这update process can take 2 to 4 minutes.
为什么要更新?This OS rESOLVES网络注册问题。
Three example programs as described in the CELL200-Series manual. The力量program shows how to control power to the CELL200 series by using the CRBasic
IPNetPower()instruction. TheSetSettings示例显示如何使用setsetting()指令设置蜂窝模块。它还说明了如何从CRBasic程序中的模块中检索状态信息。这Settings示例使用终端命令演示。