Displaying 1 - 20 of 140 articles
Author:Dirk Baker|Last Updated: 06/21/2021 | Comments: 4
在本文中,我将分享我对研究项目合作的经验,以记录一些极端天气条件,甚至可能设置世界纪录!2020年8月16日,天气驻地位于死亡谷国家公园(加利福尼亚州,美国)的炉溪上录制了一个温度......read moreAuthor:布鲁斯史密斯|最后更新:04/15/2021 |评论:2
Has an electrical surge or other event made you concerned that your COM port or short haul modem may not be operating properly? Do you know how to test for this? In this brief article, we’ll look at some simple tests you can perform to...read moreAuthor:Dana Worley|最后更新:04/09/2021 |评论:0
您是否在CRBasic数据记录器程序中使用SMSSend()在CAMPBELL SCOLLIFIC CELL2XX内部或外部蜂窝模块中发送SMS消息?有些事情您应该了解最近的改进,这会影响SMSSEND()如何工作。释放......read moreAuthor:Dirk Baker|最后更新:03/05/2021 |评论:0
在这篇文章中,我将解释如何会发生错误when measuring the precipitation amount, discuss a correction approach, and demonstrate how an algorithm can be used to design high-quality tipping bucket rain gauges. Introduction Liquid precipitation (rain) is at once one of the simplest measurements mechanically and...read moreAuthor:Carolyn Ivans.|最后更新:10/23/2020 |评论:0
您可能已经知道您可以使用闪存卡将外部数据存储添加到数据记录器。但是你知道你需要什么样的卡 - 或者你甚至需要一个吗?在本文中,我将回答这些和其他存储卡问题。在...read moreAuthor:Carolyn Ivans.|上次更新:10/22/2020 |评论:5
You may use CompactFlash or microSD memory cards for external storage of your data logger data, but are you using your cards correctly? In this article, I’ll answer some common questions you may have about memory card usage. Recommended for You: If you haven’t done...read moreAuthor:Ajay Singh|Last Updated: 10/13/2020 | Comments: 0
当我们面临挑战时,通常有机会改善。在本博客文章中,了解我们的工程师如何重新设计我们的模块背面(BOM)温度传感器,以解决影响双层太阳能光伏(PV)面板性能监测质量的特定挑战。Bifacial PV面板......read moreAuthor:Timothy Jeppsen|Last Updated: 10/07/2020 | Comments: 0
1997年,我的首次介绍了使用振动线压电仪测量地下水波动。一个大型工程公司正在监测水位,以确保通过圣贝纳德山脉建造一个大型管道在地下水上没有侵入。我被雇了......read moreAuthor:libbie安德森|最后更新:09/21/2020 |评论:2
Solar photovoltaic (PV) monitoring projects often use a variety of sensors to gain information about the site performance and its available resources. To obtain this information, solar-monitoring sensors need to be connected to a database that can collect, evaluate, visualize, and interpret data from all...read moreAuthor:Mike Nelson|Last Updated: 09/08/2020 | Comments: 0
There are times during major weather events when we may hear the news reporter indicate the local river is expected to crest in the next 12 hours at an estimated stage level. What is a crest and a stage level, and how do they affect me? Basically,...read moreAuthor:libbie安德森|最后更新:06/29/2020 |评论:0
You may have heard of the IEC 61724-1 standard to promote international uniformity in PV (photovoltaic) system performance monitoring. But why was it created, and what does it mean for you? In this interview with PES (Power & Energy Solutions), Matt Perry, Technical Product Manager for...read moreAuthor:libbie安德森|最后更新:06/10/2020 |评论:0
在Campbell Scientific中,我们了解您的太阳能电池的价值以及将这些能源生产设施保持在最佳状态的必要性。为帮助您监控其效率,我们设计了设计创新的太阳能监控设备,这些设备已经通过世界各地的部署测试了....read moreAuthor:Ryan Guerrero|最后更新:05/29/2020 |评论:0
It’s 2020, and yet those of us who need water level monitoring and flood warning systems continue to face the quandary of choosing between easy-to-use stations OR flexible stations that can handle all our measurement and control needs. In the years of self-driving cars and telecommuting jobs,...read moreAuthor:libbie安德森|最后更新:05/01/2020 |评论:0
在每个公用事业级太阳能电流场上,回答基本问题至关重要:太阳辐射到达光伏(PV)模块的表面?这些农场跨越了数百英亩,为了解决这个问题,所有者使用气象监测站和数据记录器......read moreAuthor:Timothy Jeppsen|Last Updated: 03/19/2020 | Comments: 4
我们最近发布了CR1000X测量和控制数据记录,您可能会想知道它如何与我们广泛使用的CR1000数据记录器和我们创新的CR6 Datalogger进行比较。如果您在市场上的新数据记录器,你怎么知道哪一个是...read moreAuthor:Dirk Baker|Last Updated: 01/30/2020 | Comments: 2
你有没有被告知没有平均相对湿度(RH)?您是否曾创建过短剪切的数据记录程序程序,并注意到生成数据表时不允许您允许您进行平均RH?你知道为什么吗?在这个博客中......read moreAuthor:Andrew Sandford|最后更新:01/06/2020 |评论:0
想象一下,您已经拥有一个销售超过15,000个单位的获胜传感器。随着时间的推移,你意识到技术已经发展,但你的传感器没有。如果您的产品评估中是客观的,您可以确定...的理由read moreAuthor:Kevin Rhodes|最后更新:12/02/2019 |评论:0
有时,很难放手。但如果我们不放手,我们就没有空手准备接受一些新的数据记录器。CR1000测量和控制数据记录器(2004年推出)一直在我们的行星的每个大陆的安装中令人难以置信的成功....read moreAuthor:Robin Deissinger|最后更新:11/19/2019 |评论:0
你准备好被加热了吗?在这次采访中,气体助气和湍流集团的产品经理Hayden Mahan,他对我们加热的声速计(新CSAT3BH)以及为什么热不熟的兴奋。博客编辑器的罗宾德斯林格采访了海登。面试...read moreAuthor:John Markham|最后更新:08/13/2019 |评论:0
Although there have been vast improvements in our ability to gather and use road-weather data, there are still, unfortunately, significant information gaps we must fill. In this blog article, we’ll look at the issues that hinder our current data acquisition and a solution for obtaining...read more