New Ethernet over USB Functionality for Data Loggers

经过Dana Worley|Updated: 08/30/2017 | Comments: 3

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如果你读过最近修订记录for the设备配置实用程序(也称为devconfig),您可能会跨出以下注意:“为[支持]数据记录器添加了新的USB驱动程序(RNDIS)。”那是什么?你可能知道。

Sounds boring, eh?

We think it is anything but boring. In fact, at Campbell Scientific, we think it's downright eXciting!

Introduced with theCR1000X.,我们最新的数据记录器现在提供通过USB(或虚拟以太网链路)所谓的以太网。使用名为RNDIS的标准Microsoft驱动程序实现此功能。它提供了使用USB电缆连接到数据记录器的选项,以某种方式访问​​数据记录器的Web服务器功能。




Status page

Click the image for a larger version.

Other pages include Data, Files, and Utilities, which respectively give you access to your data tables in a table-based or graphical view, the ability to manage files, and data logger utilities such as setting the clock and accessing terminal mode. Here's a look at the graphical display for a one-minute data table:

Data page

Click the image for a larger version.

If you selectSave在数据显示的右上角,您还可以以我们的标准文件格式保存到文件中的数据:

OneMin Table

当一个.csipasswd文件保存到数据记录器时,您可以在数据记录器状态表中设置公共变量或更改值。(见"Creating a .csipasswd File" help file有关更多信息。)状态表中的公共变量或可编辑值由蓝色虚线下划线表示。选中时,提出了带下划线的值以编辑:

Data page with editable variable

Click the image for a larger version.

吃晚饭ported Data Loggers


  • AllCR1000X.DataLoggers从工厂发货时具有此功能。只需使用设备配置实用程序在使用USB电缆连接到数据记录器之前在计算机上安装驱动程序。
  • AllCR310dataLoggers,和CR300dataloggers with serial number greater than 2813, have this functionality integrated when shipped from the factory. The data loggers must have operating system version 6 or later installed. As with the CR1000X, you must install the driver before connecting to the data logger using a USB cable.
  • This capability is coming soon forCR6数据转换器。

What about My USB COM Port?

您仍然有能力通过基于USB的虚拟COM端口连接到数据记录器。CR1000X和CR6提供双模功能。这意味着数据记录器可以使用其虚拟COM端口及其虚拟以太网链路同时进行通信。但是,请注意,CR300和CR310 DataLuggers不提供同时通信。必须使用“设置编辑器”,“设备配置实用程序的”高级“选项卡配置USB端口或虚拟以太网链接。这两个数据记录仪模型的默认配置是虚拟COM端口,以便使用虚拟以太网链接,必须更改设置。




关于the Author

dana worleyDana Worley加入坎贝尔科学,万博matex网页登录Inc。,1997年。作为一个应用工程师,Dana为客户提供了技术支持和培训,并在线开发了在线和书面文件。其他角色包括R&D项目,软件产品和软件测试和支持组的管理。Dana目前在客户服务部门管理我们的技术支持团队。她喜欢徒步旅行,骑自行车,旅游和摄影,她是一位成熟的艺术家,专门从事窑玻璃。

View all articles by this author.


Chris_Measci.|08/31/2017 at 11:02 PM


Chris_Measci.|09/01/2017 at 04:33 AM

Tested it, yes, a default.html defined in a WebPageBegin will load instead

Dana|09/01/2017在09:32 AM


Great question! The drive precedence in our dataloggers is: CPU, USR, CRD, USB (SC115), and the memory where the datalogger's built in web page is stored. So, as your testing shows, if an RTMC project or a web page created using WebPageBegin/WebPageEnd is stored on the CPU drive, then it takes precedence. This also holds true if a custom web page is stored to the USR drive or a card (CRD). If one drive takes precedence over others, you can still get to a page on that lower level drive by specifying the full path (e.g.,\crd\index.html).

Thank you for asking and for your follow-up testing!


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