Displaying 21 - 40 of 51 articles
Author:Michelle Welch|最后更新:2018年1月4日|评论:2
您是否知道您只是单击或点击新的和改进的在线数据记录仪的帮助?如果您有CR1000X,CR6或CR300系列数据编号,则需要访问我们24/7可用的新资源。我们的新在线用户...read moreAuthor:雅各布·戴维斯|最后更新:2017年12月22日|评论:0
就在最近,KRACK(关键重新安装攻击)Wi-Fi漏洞已公布。您可能想知道它是什么以及它如何影响坎贝尔科学设备和数据的安全性。WPA2(Wi-Fi受保护的访问II)的KRACK漏洞存在于...read moreAuthor:Timothy Jeppsen|Last Updated: 11/29/2017 | Comments: 0
扩展外围设备有什么作用,将它们整合到有帮助的是什么?扩展外围设备有两个目的:在通道计数和功能方面扩展数据记录仪的功能,并提高测量质量。如果我们可以提供两者并使之更轻松怎么办...read moreAuthor:Timothy Jeppsen|Last Updated: 10/11/2017 | Comments: 6
As soon as people learned that we were replacing the CR1000 datalogger with the CR1000X datalogger, they asked us these questions: “Can I load a program I wrote for my CR1000 into a CR1000X?” and “Will the CR1000X fit in the same space as my...read moreAuthor:Dana Worley|最后更新:2017年8月30日|评论:3
If you have read recent revision history for the Device Configuration Utility (also known as DevConfig), you may have run across the following note: “New USB drivers (RNDIS) were added for [supported] datalogger.” What's that all about? you may have wondered. Sounds boring, eh? We think it...read moreAuthor:Timothy Jeppsen|Last Updated: 08/02/2017 | Comments: 3
它应该不足为奇CR1000数据logger (introduced in 2004) has been an incredibly successful data logger. With nearly 100,000 deployed, this data logger has been installed on every continent on the earth. Using the design success of the CR1000, Campbell Scientific...read moreAuthor:Janet Albers|Last Updated: 06/28/2017 | Comments: 2
安全代码是确保数据记录器的最古老的方法。它们可以有效防止无辜的修补和阻止想成为黑客的黑客,这可能会对数据的完整性造成严重破坏。在本文中,我将讨论不同的安全代码以及如何使用...read moreAuthor:加里·罗伯茨|Last Updated: 05/31/2017 | Comments: 2
Maybe you’re like me when it comes to skipped scans. I have always disliked seeing skipped scans in my data loggers. I have been trained to watch out for them and do my best to write my CRBasic programs in a way that makes them...read moreAuthor:雅各布·戴维斯|Last Updated: 02/22/2017 | Comments: 2
您是否遇到过希望数据记录器启动数据检索而不是PC的情况?例如,您是否有要传输警报数据的环境条件?尽管基于IP的通信很普遍,但有时您可能需要数据探测器引发的通信...read moreAuthor:Dana Worley|Last Updated: 01/25/2017 | Comments: 16
您是否遇到问题,找到用于从数据记录器发送电子邮件的SMTP服务器?兼容性问题是否导致您寻找工作?继续阅读可能只是您所需的解决方案。2006年的一些背景,我们添加了能力...read moreAuthor:Robin Deissinger|Last Updated: 01/11/2017 | Comments: 0
在这次简短的采访中,新CR310的产品经理Sam Utley向我们介绍了该数据记录器提供的增强功能,以及为什么他认为CR310为我们的客户提供了令人兴奋的可能性。Sam是产品管理(PM)团队的成员...read moreAuthor:Dana Worley|最后更新:2016年9月28日|评论:2
We all remember the year 2000 as the year that The World As We Know It would come to an end. Computer systems were predicted to come crashing down on January 1, leaving in their wake failing infrastructure that would affect millions of lives. In...read moreAuthor:Janet Albers|Last Updated: 09/15/2016 | Comments: 2
我们的客户通常会怀疑他们的数据记录器内存何时将满足,在内存已满时将会发生什么以及他们应该对此做什么。毕竟,您的数据特定于您的应用程序,...read moreAuthor:雅各布·戴维斯|Last Updated: 05/18/2016 | Comments: 0
When was the last time you checked the air pressure on your automobile’s spare tire? What if you were driving along, got a flat tire, and discovered that your spare tire was flat as well? We don’t often think about our spare tire until we...read moreAuthor:雅各布·戴维斯|最后更新:2016年4月21日|评论:0
Have you ever had a sensor work on a P (pulse) data logger terminal, but not on a C (control) terminal? Is the list of choices for the PConfig parameter in the PulseCount() instruction daunting? Campbell Scientific data loggers offer several options for measuring pulse...read moreAuthor:Robin Deissinger|Last Updated: 03/16/2016 | Comments: 3
在这次简短的访谈中,新CR300的产品经理凯文·罗德斯(Kevin Rhodes)告诉我们,这个新的数据记录仪将如何对坎贝尔科学客户有所帮助,以及他为什么认为CR300是一个很大的价值。凯文(Kevin)是...read moreAuthor:Janet Albers|Last Updated: 02/10/2016 | Comments: 0
我们定期发布新的操作系统(OSS),其中包括新功能和说明,以及现有功能和说明的增强或错误修复。如果您被要求更新您的操作系统或需要新添加的应用程序,则本文提供...read moreAuthor:加里·罗伯茨|最后更新:2015年12月9日|评论:1
您是否曾经想使用数据记录器控制Raven Cellular调制解调器?能够获取有关蜂窝调制解调器及其数据网络健康的数据会很好吗?也许您甚至想重置您的乌鸦...read moreAuthor:Dana Worley|Last Updated: 11/18/2015 | Comments: 0
当您有工作要做时,没有什么比无法连接到现场数据记录器更令人沮丧了。我们都去过那里:您在Loggernet的连接窗口中按下连接按钮,除了无尽的闪烁“连接...read moreAuthor:雅各布·戴维斯|Last Updated: 10/14/2015 | Comments: 0
Are you configuring your data logger but confused about all the IP (Internet Protocol) settings? Do you know what the settings mean and what you should set them to? Most of us data logger users do not have a background in computer science or network administration....read more