Displaying 1 - 20 of 51 articles
作者:达娜·沃利(Dana Worley)|Last Updated: 04/09/2021 | Comments: 0
Do you currently use SMSSend() in a CRBasic data logger program to send SMS messages through a Campbell Scientific CELL2XX internal or external cellular module? There are some things you should know about the recent improvements we made that affect how SMSSend() works. With the release...阅读更多作者:蒂莫西·杰普森(Timothy Jeppsen)|最后更新:10/07/2020 |评论:0
In 1997, I had my first introduction to using vibrating-wire piezometers to measure groundwater fluctuations. A large engineering firm was monitoring water level to ensure that construction of a large pipeline through the San Bernardino Mountains was not intruding on the groundwater. I was hired...阅读更多作者:Libbie Anderson|最后更新:09/21/2020 |评论:2
太阳能光伏(PV)监视项目经常使用各种传感器来获取有关站点性能及其可用资源的信息。为了获得此信息,需要将太阳监测传感器连接到可以收集,评估,可视化和解释所有数据的数据库...阅读更多作者:Libbie Anderson|Last Updated: 06/10/2020 | Comments: 0
At Campbell Scientific, we understand the value of your solar energy farms and the necessity to keep these energy-producing facilities in top condition. To help you monitor their efficiency, we’ve designed innovative solar monitoring equipment that has been tested through deployments all over the world....阅读更多作者:Libbie Anderson|Last Updated: 05/01/2020 | Comments: 0
On every utility-scale solar farm, it’s crucial to answer the fundamental question: how much solar radiation reaches the surface of the photovoltaic (PV) modules? These farms span hundreds of acres and in order to address this question, owners use meteorological monitoring stations and data loggers...阅读更多作者:蒂莫西·杰普森(Timothy Jeppsen)|最后更新:03/19/2020 |评论:4
We recently released the CR1000X Measurement and Control Datalogger, and you may be wondering how it compares with our widely used CR1000 datalogger and our innovative CR6 datalogger. If you’re in the market for a new data logger, how do you know which one is...阅读更多作者:凯文·罗德斯(Kevin Rhodes)|Last Updated: 12/02/2019 | Comments: 0
Sometimes, it’s hard to let go. But if we don’t let go, we don’t have empty hands ready to embrace something new—even a data logger. The CR1000 Measurement and Control Datalogger (introduced in 2004) has been incredibly successful with installations on every continent of our planet....阅读更多作者:珍妮特·阿尔伯斯|最后更新:2019年2月27日|评论:9
Do you need to do anything to your data logger or software to compensate for the beginning of daylight saving time? Read this short article to find out! Residents of many parts of North America, and various areas around the world, continue to observe the practice...阅读更多作者:纳塔纳尔·赖特(Nathanael Wright)|最后更新:2019年2月7日|评论:5
在此博客文章中,我们将使用CR800,CR850,CR1000和CR3000数据量数据使用的外部Cell2XX系列蜂窝模块使用串行命令来监视您的数据使用情况。(如果您有CR300,CR310,CR6或CR1000X Datalogger,则需要...阅读更多作者:纳塔纳尔·赖特(Nathanael Wright)|最后更新:2019年1月16日|评论:2
您是否知道可以在我们的新数据记录仪上使用集成的蜂窝调制解调器和我们的外部坎贝尔科学品牌的蜂窝模块来监视数据使用情况?在这个由两部分组成的系列中,我将首先向您展示如何在...阅读更多作者:Bruce Smith|最后更新:2019年1月9日|评论:0
Whether your Edlog-based data logger has a built-in keypad, an external keypad, or no keypad at all, keypad commands are an important field tool. But, if you don’t have a keypad, how do you use keypad commands? In this article, we’ll discuss this topic and...阅读更多作者:Jacob Davis|最近更新:12/19/2018 |评论:0
Have you experienced a scenario similar to this one? You have an automated weather station with a retired Edlog data logger (such as the CR10X), which has been running great for 20 years. Recently, the data logger stopped transmitting data to your server, so you...阅读更多作者:Jacob Davis|Last Updated: 12/05/2018 | Comments: 0
就像人们一样,数据记录仪可以进入生活的阶段,称为退休。我们较旧的EDLOG数据记录仪已退休了一段时间,我们继续为这些可靠的设备提供免费支持。购买我们的...阅读更多作者:凯文·罗德斯(Kevin Rhodes)|最后更新:2018年5月17日|评论:0
Do you ever wonder about the uncertainty of your measurements? Occasionally, I’ll have a researcher ask how he or she can calculate the analog measurement uncertainty of a data logger. I usually direct the customer to the specification sheet that we publish. The customer then asks which...阅读更多作者:Steven Moore|Last Updated: 03/28/2018 | Comments: 0
您已经仔细地获取了良好的测量数据,现在您想访问数据,而不必担心交流头痛。蜂窝通信听起来像是一个不错的选择,但是您已经听说试图为您的蜂窝调制解调器获得数据计划可能会令人沮丧。你不...阅读更多作者:凯文·罗德斯(Kevin Rhodes)|Last Updated: 03/21/2018 | Comments: 0
在Campbell Scientific,我们希望帮助您充分利用自己的数据记录仪。您可能已经购买了数据记录器,以成为数据采集系统的核心,而无需知道数据记录器可以为您做的所有事情。阅读更多作者:Jacob Davis|最后更新:2018年2月28日|评论:1
时不时地,有人会询问坎贝尔科学数据记录器是否可以代替PLC(可编程逻辑控制器)或RTU(远程终端单元)。诚然,回答这不是一个简单的问题。现代PLC,RTU和...的能力阅读更多作者:Gary Roberts|Last Updated: 02/21/2018 | Comments: 3
You may have heard about the new integrated cellular modem gateways available as options on some of our data loggers. But, do you know what these options really offer, and how they can help your data communication needs now and for decades to come? In...阅读更多作者:罗宾·德辛格(Robin Deissinger)|最后更新:2018年2月14日|评论:0
在这次简短的访谈中,基础架构集团市场产品经理乔什·布朗(Josh Brown)分享了使用振动线数据记录仪(例如CRVW3 3通道振动Wire-Wire-Wire Datalogger)的一些好处。博客编辑罗宾·迪辛格(Robin Deissinger)采访了乔什(Josh)。面试问答什么是振动线...阅读更多作者:马特·佩里|最后更新:2018年1月17日|评论:0
During 2017, I was asked several times for a data logger program to retrieve data from Kipp & Zonen’s new RaZON+, a compact-sized dual-axis sun tracker with integrated GPS, smart pyrheliometer, and shaded smart pyranometer. The RaZON+ touts a higher accuracy approach to obtaining solar...阅读更多