相对湿度: To Average, or Not to Average?

经过Dirk Baker|更新时间:01/30/2020 |评论:2

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Don't average relative humidity




Let’s start with a definition of relative humidity. Most texts and online resources define relative humidity as follows:

Relative humidity equation

在哪里E.是观察/测量的蒸气压和E.S.is the saturation vapor pressure. However, vapor pressure may not be the most intuitive concept. Simply put, relative humidity is the observed amount of water in a given volume of air divided by the maximum amount of water that the air could hold without producing precipitation. This saturation point is highly temperature dependent.

Lowe (1976)1描述了以下用于计算饱和蒸气压的模型:


在哪里T.温度在摄氏度和装有系数的值(α) 如下面所述:

fitted coefficients

While there are other methods to obtain saturation vapor pressure that we could consider, the Lowe model is used in Campbell Scientific data loggers, so I’ll limit my discussion to that method for the purposes of this article.

T.here are two reasons why a simple average of RH over a given data interval is generally not the best practice. First, RH is a calculated value. Mathematicians and statisticians advise us that it is better to use the original data in operations such as averages, then calculate the desired value. In addition, RH is, by definition, limited to values between zero and 100. Therefore, values near those upper and lower bounds cannot vary as much as those toward the middle, which violates statistical assumptions.

T.he second and more important reason not to use simple averaging for RH is that the value can change rapidly with temperature, especially at higher temperatures.图1S.hows the relationship between temperature and saturation vapor pressure based on the Lowe model.

Relationship between temperature and saturation vapor pressure

Note: The calculation for saturation vapor pressure assumes pure air. Air containing dust or particulate pollution can hold more water per unit volume than pure air. Thus, relative humidity can be slightly greater than 100%—a condition known as supersaturation. Numbers greater than 100% can also be an indication of sensor error.


How to Correctly Average RH

在给定间隔中获得平均RH的优选方法是平均蒸气压和饱和蒸气压力,然后从这些平均值计算RH。这是一个链接download a CRBasic programthat does just that. During each scan, this program calculates vapor pressure and saturation vapor pressure, then stores the vapor pressure averages in a temporary, hidden table. Those values are then used to calculate RH, and all the values are stored in the main hourly table.


  • 30 minutes
  • 1hour
  • 3小时
  • 24 hours

图2.S.hows the results:

Observed Diffferences in RH Averaging Methods

如果这两种方法是一样的,我们所期望的all the datapoints to line up on the red 1:1 lines. For the half-hour and hourly intervals, there is good agreement. However, for longer intervals, error increases substantially. Interestingly, at least in these data, error due to simple averaging nearly always results in a positive bias. In other words, a simple arithmetic average almost always overestimates the mean relative humidity.

世界气象组织(WMO)2American Association of State Climatologists (AASC)同时建议不确定性(RH错误)measurement be less than 3%. In the worst case, error due to averaging RH would be additive to the sensor error. As an example, if a sensor specification states that it is within 2.3% over most of the range, any additional error would need to be limited to less than 1% to conservatively meet the WMO and AASC recommendations.



Interval Minimum 2.5 Percentile 25百分位数 Mean 75 Percentile 97.5百分位数 Maximum

Half Hour

































我希望这有助于澄清为什么对数学和统计的平均相对湿度以及务实的原因,这通常不是一个好主意。如果您真正需要平均RH,特别是超过较长的时间间隔,更好的做法是使用平均观察和饱和蒸汽压力来计算每次间隔的RH。欢迎你修改可下载的示例程序as needed. Alternatively, simply store the observed vapor pressure and temperature (easily done in a Campbell Scientific data logger). From these, both the relative humidity and dewpoint can be calculated in post-processing if needed.



2World Meteorological Organization.Guide to Meteorological Instruments and Methods of Observation. [WMO-No. 8]. Geneva, Switzerland: s.n., 2014.


关于the Author

dirk bakerDr. Dirk V. Baker is an Application Research Scientist in the Environmental Group at Campbell Scientific, Inc. Areas of interest include ecology, agriculture, and meteorology—among others. He has a bachelor's degree in wildlife biology and a doctorate in weed science, both from Colorado State University. Dirk’s graduate and postdoctoral research centered around measuring and modeling wind-driven plant dispersal.

View all articles by this author.


Clayton|03/12/2020 at 04:12 PM

T.hank you for the very informative article, Dr. Baker. I have a question regarding the note about air containing particulate matter. We are an air monitoring agency primarily focused on the measurement of fugitive dust emmissions in the California desert. Could the vapor pressure averaging technique you advised introduce more error than calculating a simple mean hourly average from RH in a very dusty environment? We only became aware of the issue of averaging RH while upgrading dataloggers and discovering that Short Cut does not support this calculation. Another factor is that our agency has always calculated hourly mean RH in the past so there is a reluctance to change the methodology.


Hi Clayton, thank you for the comment and I'm glad you found the article informative. I don't think there would be an expectation that dusty air would change how the average RH should be calculated. I certainly understand a reluctance to change a long-standing practice. One approach might be to store both simple average RH and that calculated from average vapor pressure for a time to see how much difference there is in your locations and what impact that difference would have on decision-making. From there, you would have a solid basis upon which to decide to change your practice or not.


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