34750 Parts Included Kit for the GRANITE9 and GRANITE10


The 34750 consists of the288986 in. RJ45 to RJ45 cable, the27555USB 2.0 cable, the9634black and9635red power wires, the8125flat-bladed screwdriver, the31182GPS antenna, the16005omnidirectional 1/2 wave whip antenna, the34774GRANITE 9 and 10 replacement fuse kit, four505screws, and four6044grommets.

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Detailed Description

The34750 kit aids in the mounting of a GRANITE 9 or GRANITE 10 inside an enclosure and includes the following:

  • (1) RJ45 to RJ45 cable (6 in.)
  • (1) USB 2.0 cable
  • (1) Set of black and red power wires
  • (1) Flat-bladed screwdriver
  • (1) 27 dBi GPS天线3 V磁山nd SMA connector
  • (1) 2.4 GHz 0 dBd omnidirectional 1/2 wave whip antenna
  • (1) Mini-blade 5 A replacement fuse kit for the GRANITE 9 and GRANITE 10
  • (4) Mounting screws
  • (4) Mounting grommets

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