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Product Line

Weather Stations for Fire Weather

Frequently Asked Questions

Number of FAQs related toWeather Stations and ETo Stations:2

  1. Purchase products based on the needs that have to be met. First, define what measurements need to be made and the required resolution of the measurements. Next, decide how frequently the data needs to be collected and whether the data can be collected directly or if a form of telecommunication is required.

    Review our website pages for available sensors, data loggers, and data retrieval peripherals. Contact Campbell Scientific to help narrow down the choices and ensure all the necessary components for a working system are accounted for.

  2. This can be done one of two ways:

    1. Purchase a preconfigured weather station, such as the ET107. The ET107 contains a standard set of sensors for weather measurements.
    2. Build a weather station that is customized for the application. Contact Campbell Scientific for help creating an application-specific station. This is a service we provide for no additional charge.

    Our staff can also install a weather station, but there is a fee for this service.

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