T107T.Weather Toro ET Station with 3 m Pole


For turf grass water management applications, Campbell Scientific’s T.Weather T107 station and Toro’s Central Irrigation and Control System automatically monitor meteorological conditions that affect turf grass water consumption. This information is used by the Central Irrigation System to analyze current irrigation requirements.

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Detailed Description

Our T107 station consists of meteorological sensors, an aluminum 3-m pole, and an environmental enclosure that houses a CR1000M module and a 7-Ahr sealed rechargeable battery. The battery is recharged via ac power or a 10-W solar panel. Sealed circular connectors are provided on the outside of the enclosure to simplify sensor hookup.

T107附带的气象传感器是CS305-ET太阳辐射传感器,HMP60-ETS空气温度和相对湿度探头,TE525-ET折叠桶雨量计,以及034B-ETM风机或WINDSONIC1-ETM 2-D SONOL SONCIN传感器。



Replacement sensors for the T107 have a -ET or -ETM suffix.

Frequently Asked Questions

Number of FAQs related toT107:4

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  1. 是的,但必须满足以下条件:

    1. The station has to use IP communications (through an Ethernet, Wi-Fi, or cellular modem connection).
    2. 必须更改气象站的数据记录器上的编程,以以适当的格式生成数据,并将数据传送到天气地铁网站。
  2. IfVisualweathe.ris used with the ET107, T107 (Toro), ET106, or MetData1, and the station has a standard configuration, setting up the station inVisualweathe.ris relatively simple. Select the station from the list in theWeather Station Networkscreen, and most of the work is automatically performed.

    If, however, a custom station, a different station model, or a different variation for one of the sensors is used, it is necessary to set up a custom station in theWeather Station Networksetup screens. In theStation Selectionscreen, selectCustom.

    按照询问电台详细信息的屏幕。然后,Visualweathe.r will connect to the station and get the names and fields of the data tables on the station where the data is stored. Because the names and fields of these tables are meaningless toVisualweathe.r, a mapping process must be used to map data table fields to fields and units thatVisualweathe.rrecognizes. This mapping allowsVisualweathe.rto create screens and reports that are meaningful.

    Because the data tables are often identified with a number and the fields are often cryptic, the mapping process can sometimes be confusing. To map fields for a custom station, contact Campbell Scientific for assistance.

  3. 要在网站上发布数据,需要定期收集来自站的数据并将其放入可查看的格式。Campbell Scientific提供了两个可以执行预定数据收集的软件选项:记录Visualweathe.r.

    Visualweathe.ris a simple solution that can be used either to connect to the station and monitor data or to set up scheduled data collection.Visualweathe.ralso has powerful reporting capabilities that can be automated. If desired, the screens and reports can be transferred via FTP to a user’s website. Asample site可供查看。使用鼠标,悬停在Logan_Utahfield in the upper left corner of the web page to view the reports we have selected to generate.

    记录can also be used either to connect to the station and monitor data or to set up scheduled data collection.记录has more power and flexibility thanVisualweathe.r, but it requires more time and knowledge to implement. For example,记录comes with anRTMCdevelopment tool to create a screen similar to the one inVisualweathe.r并显示数据,但是记录要求用户学习如何使用RTMCsoftware. In addition,记录具有通过FTP传输数据的能力,但传输需要将其作为任务设置,然后安排记录Task Manager.

  4. Campbell Scientific recommends the following maintenance schedule:

    • Once a week: check the rain gage funnel, and clean as necessary.
    • Once a month: check the solar radiation sensor, and clean as necessary.
    • Every 3 months: clean the temperature/RH radiation shield.
    • 每6个月到1年:更换两个干燥剂包(pn 4905).
    • Every 1 to 3 years: have Campbell Scientific replace the wind speed bearings and reed switch. R按照替代返回材料授权(RMA)编号the steps listed on ourRepair and Calibrationpage.
    • 每1到3年:更换相对湿度芯片(pn 9598).
    • Once every 3 years: have Campbell Scientific calibrate the solar radiation sensor.R按照替代返回材料授权(RMA)编号the steps listed on ourRepair and Calibrationpage.
    • Once every 5 years: have Campbell Scientific calibrate the rain gage sensor.R按照替代返回材料授权(RMA)编号the steps listed on ourRepair and Calibrationpage.
    • Once every 5 years: have Campbell Scientific calibrate the data logger.R按照替代返回材料授权(RMA)编号the steps listed on ourRepair and Calibrationpage.

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