公共battery_voltage公共panel_temperature_c'cell modem diagnotics information Public cell_todays_usage : Units cell_todays_usage = KB Public cell_yesterdays_usage : Units cell_yesterdays_usage = KB Public cell_this_months_usage : Units cell_this_months_usage = KB Public cell_last_months_usage : Units cell_last_months_usage = KB Public cell_rssi As Long : Units cell_rssi = DB Public cell_info As String * 400 Public cell_ip_address As String * 40 Public cell_rsrp As Long Public cell_rsrq Public cell_ecio Public cell_status As String * 300 Public cell_state As String * 100 DataTable(CELL_DIAGNOSTICS, True, -1) Sample(1, cell_todays_usage, FP2) 'or Sample(1, Settings.CellUsageToday, FP2) Sample(1, cell_yesterdays_usage, FP2) 'or Sample(1, Settings.CellUsageYesterday, FP2) Sample(1, cell_this_months_usage, FP2) 'or Sample(1, Settings.CellUsageMonth, FP2) Sample(1, cell_last_months_usage, FP2) 'or Sample(1, Settings.CellUsageLastMonth, FP2) Sample(1, cell_rssi, IEEE4) 'or Sample(1, Settings.CellRSSI, IEEE4) Sample(1, cell_info, String) 'or Sample(1, Settings.CellInfo, String) Sample(1, cell_ip_address, String) Sample(1, cell_rsrp, IEEE4) 'or Sample(1, Settings.CellRSRP, IEEE4) Sample(1, cell_rsrq, FP2) 'or Sample(1, Settings.CellRSRQ, FP2) Sample(1, cell_ecio, FP2) 'or Sample(1, Settings.CellECIO, FP2) Sample(1, cell_status, String) 'or Sample(1, Settings.CellStatus, String) Sample(1, cell_state, String) 'or Sample(1, Settings.CellState, String) EndTable DataTable(TEST_DATA, True, -1) DataInterval(0, 5, Min, 10) Minimum(1, battery_voltage, FP2, True, False) Sample(1, panel_temperature_c, FP2) EndTable 'Main Program BeginProg 'set up attached cell2xx module via CRBasic programming. SetSetting("CellEnabled", True) 'Cell modem is enabled, True = enabled, False = 'disabled SetSetting("CellAPN", "WE01.VZWSTATIC") 'The APN assigned to us by our cellular provider. SetSetting("CellPwrStartTime", 1440) 'Automated startup schedule. Setting is in 'minutes (into day). 1440 = Always on. 15 = '00:15 hours, 180 = 03:00 hours, 1380 = 23:00 'hours SetSetting("CellPwrDuration", 0) 'How long the modem is to stay online after it 'hits it Start Time. Setting is ignored if 'CellPwrStartTime is set to 1440 SetSetting("CellPwrRepeat", 0) 'Specifies the interval (in minutes) after the 'first time of the day that the datalogger 'powers on its cellular interface, that the 'datalogger will power its cellular interface at 'subsequent times throughout the day. 0 = 'disabled. SetSetting("CellBillingDay", 15) 'Tells the modem what day of the month to roll 'over its stats counters. Used to align it with 'my cellular provider’s billing dates. SetSetting("CellDiversity", 1) 'Turns on the use of the cell modules diversity 'antenna in the cellular module. 0 = OFF. 1 = 'ON. cell_ip_address = PPPOpen() 'Just make sure we are ready to go! Scan (1,Sec,0,0) PanelTemp (panel_temperature_c,60) Battery (battery_voltage) CallTable TEST_DATA NextScan SlowSequence Scan (10, Min, 0, 0) cell_rssi = Settings.CellRSSI 'read RSSI (signal strength) from tower connected to cell_todays_usage = Settings.CellUsageToday 'usage reported in KB cell_yesterdays_usage = Settings.CellUsageYesterday 'usage reported in KB cell_this_months_usage = Settings.CellUsageMonth 'usage reported in KB cell_last_months_usage = Settings.CellUsageLastMonth 'usage reported in KB cell_info = Settings.CellInfo 'Cell Info. Same information that shows in the 'DevConfig Cellular Network Status field cell_status = Settings.CellStatus 'Status of the cellular modem. cell_state = Settings.CellState 'State that the modem is in. "Network ready." lets me 'know my modem is good to go. 'CellState can be the following (but not limited to): '"Power off.", '"Powering up.", '"Powered up.", '"SIM authorized.", '"Setting baud rate.", '"Waiting for baud rate.", '"Baud rate set.", '"Baud rate failure.", '"Power off. Waiting for retry.", '"Powered up. SIM auth failure.", '"Querying modem.", '"Waiting for network registration.", '"Configuring modem.", '"Dialing.", '"Dialing (retry).", '"Dialed.", '"PPP negotiation.", '"Network ready.", '"PPP closing.", '"PPP paused.", '"PPP dropped.", '"Terminal AT command mode.", '"Firmware update mode.", '"Shutting down." cell_rsrp = Settings.CellRSRP 'Reference signal received power for LTE in dbm. 'Very similar to RSSI cell_ecio = Settings.CellECIO 'Reference signal received quality for 3G. cell_rsrq = Settings.CellRSRQ 'Reference signal received quality for 4G. cell_ip_address = IPInfo(1, 0) 'Get the TCP/IP address of the PPP/cellular modem 'interface. CallTable CELL_DIAGNOSTICS NextScan EndSequence EndProg