PC400 4.3
Updated: 01-07-2015

  1. PC400增强——补充道upport for CR6 Series dataloggers.
  2. PC400增强——补充道upport for CRVW Series Vibrating Wire Recording Interfaces.
  3. PC400增强——补充道upport for dragging and dropping files from Windows Explorer onto the File Control dialog.
  4. PC400增强——补充道upport for modifying Station Status
  5. Status Table values via the double click.
  6. Short Cut Enhancement - Added support for CR6 Series dataloggers.
  7. Short Cut Enhancement - Added new or updated sensor files for the Switched 12 Volt Timed Control, CS475/CS476/CS477 Radar Water Level Sensor, GPS16X-HVS GPS Receiver, CS140 Luminance Sensor, CS120 Visibility Sensor, PWS100 Present Weather Sensor, CS125 Present Weather and Visibility Sensor, CS135 Ceilometer, Jewell Instruments 904-T Clinometer Pak, DGSI Vibrating Wire Strain Gage, DGSI Vibrating Wire Piezometer, Generic Thermistor (CR6), CS11 Current Transformer, CS11 Current Transformer with Potential Transformer
  8. CRBasic Editor Enhancement - Added support for CR6 Series dataloggers.
  9. CRBasic Editor Enhancement - Added support for optional parameters (for instructions that have them) in parameter dialog box.
  10. CRBasic Editor Enhancement - Added ability to copy compile results to clipboard.
  11. CRBasic Editor Bug Fix - Fixed a problem with the Undo list using up a large amount of memory.
  12. View Bug Fix - Fixed FSL file loading and a range check error in the Array Definitions dialog.
  13. Device Configuration Utility Enhancement - Added support for the CR6 Series, CRS451, CRVW, VSC100, CS125, CS140, RavenXT, RF401A, LS300,CSAT3B.
  14. Device Configuration Utility Enhancement - Added wizards to back up a datalogger's settings and files to a zip file and to restore these from a zip file.
  15. Device Configuration Utility Enhancement - Added a data recovery wizard.
  16. Device Configuration Utility Enhancement - Updated support for the CRX000 dataloggers, AL200, CC5MPX.
  17. Device Configuration Utility Enhancement - Added a context menu option to the terminal emulator that will allow the user to toggle whether new lines are time stamped as they are added.
  18. Device Configuration Utility Enhancement - Changed the file control panel so that, if the user attempts to send an operating system to the datalogger, an operation will be included that will start that operating system using the file control transaction.
  19. Device Configuration Utility Bug Fix - The AL200 Slot Offset setting will now be interpreted as an unsigned four byte integer rather than as an unsigned two byte integer.
  20. Device Configuration Utility Bug Fix - Fixed a bug in the settings editor panel where a poll attempt could take place after a session failure. This could lead to a crash due to an unhandled exception.
  21. Device Configuration Utility Bug Fix - Made the code that checks the length of the telnet password conditional on that setting being reported. This addresses an issue where a special version of the OS didn't support the deployment panel.
  22. Device Configuration Utility Bug Fix - Added code in the handler for command completion that will check to make sure that the transaction queue is not empty before handling the command outcome. This addresses a bug that could lead to a crash when power was pulled on the TX320 while polling transactions were under way.
  23. Device Configuration Utility Bug Fix - Fixed a bug where the NL2xx deployment panel was attempting to unconditionally poll the IPv6 address regardless of whether the device reported the setting. This could lead to an unhandled exception when connecting to an NL200 with an older OS.
  24. Device Configuration Utility Bug Fix - Added code to stop automatic updates of settings such as IPv6 status when settings are changed in the NL2xx deployment panel.
  25. Device Configuration Utility Bug Fix - Fixed a bug where the settings manager component was returning true to the query of whether settings needed to be committed when there was a cancel or commit operation under way. The result was that DevConfig would post a modal dialogue confirming close if the user tried to close the application while a cancel or commit operation was under way and could result in an unhandled exception.
  26. Device Configuration Utility Bug Fix - Fixed a bug in the RF430 deployment where, when settings were loaded from the radio, the radio address control was initialized with the value of the network address.
  27. Server Enhancement - Added support for the CRVW and CRS500 datalogger types.
  28. Server Enhancement - Added code in the serial port thread so that, if the simplified I/O is enabled, the thread will use a timer that will get reset whenever data is transmitted or received. If this timer expires, the thread will call SetCommState() in an attempt to force communication over a USB serial port in order to test if the driver connection is still valid.
  29. Server Enhancement - Added support for an optional parameter to the device files enumerate command message that will allow the client to specify a pattern that will be used by BMP5 dataloggers to restrict the set of files that are reported.
  30. Server Enhancement - Implemented the device force link off line transaction.
  31. Server Enhancement - Changed the BMP5 implementation of the device set variable transaction so that it recognizes when the datalogger sends the response code indicating that it needs to reboot. The server will now shut down the link and wait for the specified amount of time before reporting the outcome and launching the poll.
  32. Server Enhancement - Added a new coralib function, cora_on_device_change(), that can be called to inform the server that a potential device remove device has been detected. Added code in the serial port class and its associated provider that will conduct a test to determine whether the serial port handle is still valid as a result of that method. Doing this gives the server a chance to detect USB serial port failures more reliably.
  33. Server Bug Fix - Changed the BMP1 operation/transaction relation so that the on_message_being_sent() operation method has the ability to prevent the message from being sent by its return value. This should prevent the BMP5 tunnel carrier operation from sending an empty message when the router has nothing to send.
  34. Server Bug Fix - Fixed a bug in the code that unregisters a static route where we could use the wrong address to access the child list under certain configurations. This resulted in an unhandled exception that forced the server to reset.
  35. 服务器故障修复- dev添加一个可选的标记ice startUp() method so that setting changed flags will be cleared only if that flag is set. Changed the rename and move network map modifiers so that this flag is not set when the newly renamed or moved devices are started. This will allow any pending changes to be written when the device configuration is written.