AL205E Firmware 6.0.1
Updated: 06-05-2020

  1. Fix a bug with ALERT ccn timestamping.
  2. Version 6.0.1 of the encoder firmware will make a few changes to the API in order to clarify and simplify the behavior of the IND addressing TLVs. These changes should bring the implementation of the encoder closer in line with the IND API 1.1 Specification.
  3. The changes to the API and the addressing functions are as follows: (1)Type 24: was "Set Port 0's Source Address" and is now "Set IND Address". (2)Type 118: was "Set IND Address" and is now deprecated. (3)If independent source addressing was disabled for a port, that port would use Port 0's address. Now, it will use the IND address.
  4. Add support for encryption.
  5. Set TX_DELAY_MIN to 10 ms.
  6. Fixing a bug where the minimum value was not checked when setting AGC times.