CR300 Series OS 4
Updated: 11-17-2016

  1. (WARNING)Upgrading the Operating System could reset all the CR300’s settings back to factory defaults. Sending this Operating System remotely can be done but is not recommended. To restore settings after the update, it is recommended that a backup be made of the current logger settings or take programmatic measures to ensure your settings can be restored. This can be done using Device Configuration Utility’s (DevConfig) backup utility or the CRBasic instructionSetSetting().Watch the Video Tutorial: Sending an OS to a Local Datalogger要了解如何使用devconfig备份实用程序。
  2. (WARNING)The only TCP/IP instructions supported are DNP3, ModBus TCP/IP, PakBus TCP/IP, PPP,NetworkTimeProtocol(),TCPOpen(), andTCPClose(). Other TCP/IP instructions exist, but are in beta. Use at your own risk.
  3. Fixed a PakBus/IP memory leak.
  4. Fixed a communications memory leak when using terminal commands.
  5. Updated the TCP/IP Memory configuration.
  6. Fixed TCP/IP memory alignment hard fault.
  7. Fixed an issue that caused Telnet to interrupt communications with other communications.
  8. Fixed a watchdog issue that corrupted the file system when creating a watchdog.
  9. Fixedppp_close()to not executed a call back function that has not yet been initialized. This can happen if PPP is opened but the program closes PPP before the call back function is initialized.
  10. Fixed an issue that caused errant "Could not find DataTable" compile errors.
  11. 修复了在响应具有TCP / IP的信标时未发送的Pakbus Hello。
  12. 使用时修复了指针参考问题table.timestamp..
  13. 固定无线版本的默认通道掩码。
  14. Adjusted low temperature clock compensation.
  15. Fixed an issue that caused a communications memory watchdog when using the radio.
  16. 如果不可用通信内存,更新了WatchDog文件以使用备用内存源。
  17. Added resource checking to the PPP timeout.
  18. Fixed theArrayLength()instruction.
  19. 更新了CRBasic编译器和分析器。
  20. Fixed a DHCP issue that could cause the DHCP to fail after a network loss.
  21. UDP数据报现象一次限制为10个数据包。
  22. a value of 98765 will format CPU, restore default settings, clear memory, and restart the logger.
  23. 在Web API HTML输出中不需要之间的和之间的额外空间。
  24. Removed extra that was being added to the html output of WebAPI commands ListFiles, SetValue, BrowseSymbols, and ClockCheck.
  25. Modified the datalogger's web server to have and tags and to report the title with the same message that is sent in the http header. For example, a 404 error now reports "404" not "Found".</li> <li>Fixed<b><i>FileOpen()</i></b>with mode "r" which did not drop carriage return.</li> <li>Fixed<b><i>DataTableNames()</i></b>instruction.</li> <li><b><i>dataEvent()</i></b>changed so that if the end record count is negated then the start trigger condition will end the after end trigger count down.</li> <li>Fixed an issue that caused<b><i>UDPOpen()</i></b>不正确地关闭插座。</li> <li><b><i>PPPClose()</i></b>will now allow the CR300 to drop to a low power state.</li> <li>Updating from operating system versions 1, 2, and 3, settings will be restored and not lost.</li> <li>Updated “Out of comms memory” watchdog.</li> <li>Fixed an issue that caused data table storage to occasionally erase the serial flash twice.</li> <li>修复了导致默认IP Net进入无限循环的问题。</li> <li>Fixed an issue that caused a table with a<b><i>datainerval()</i></b>with units of a "Mon" to create a new record every time a call table was issued.</li> <li>Fixed<b><i>GetVariables()</i></b>instruction to allow a variable index on the destination.</li> <li>修复了导致TLS缓冲区数量的TLS缓冲区数量是DOUBLE计划所需的问题。</li> <li>修复了一个导致Modbus数据包的问题,​​其中0xBD被处理为Pakbus。</li> <li><b><i>ETsz()</i></b>instruction now formats the units MJ/m² in UTF-8.</li> <li><b><i>PeriodAvg()</i></b>超时并不总是导致南部。(目的地导致应该是南部的负值。)</li> <li><b><i>PeriodAvg()</i></b>添加编译错误。“NumCycles必须大于1.”</li> <li>USB error recovery issue resolved.</li> <li>如果Modbus数据包分开,则修复了Modbus接收可能失败。</li> <li>从睡眠中更新了串行闪光唤醒。</li> <li>Fixed an issue that caused an extra 5mA current draw on devices with 128MB serial flash.</li> <li>Fixed an issue that could cause PakBus data collection to return an incorrect number of records, which would cause data collection errors and failures.</li> <li>Fixed an issue that caused HTTP POST to be incorrectly processed as an HTTP PUT.</li> <li>Fixed an issue that caused communication through GOES instructions to fail.</li> </ol> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> 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