CRVWx Firmware 2.01
Updated: 12-16-2015

  1. This operating system (version 2.01 or newer) is required for all CRVW3 devices with serial numbers 1126 or greater. It is recommended that devices with serial numbers of 1125 or less be upgraded to this version when maintenance opportunities occur.
  2. An orange blink now shows on the RX/TX (radio) LED when no carrier is detected (e.g., when the master or repeater radio is not found by a slave device that uses the -RF451 option). This blink works on devices with serial numbers 1126 or greater.
  3. The terminal command "SHOW RADIO STATUS" was added.
  4. The terminal command "SET RADIO TIMEOUT xxxx" was added, where xxxx is an interval in seconds between 1800 (30 minutes) and 172,800 (48 hours). If the CRVW3 fails to receive radio signals for an entire duration of the timeout period, then the radio will be restarted to facilitate improved communications. If no radio reception occurs after the restart triggered by this timeout, then the radio will continue to be reset every 5 minutes until radio communications are resumed. As long as communications occur within the timeout interval, no resets will occur. The timing and number of resets that have been executed can be found using the "SHOW RADIO STATUS" terminal command. The process which resets the radio has also been improved. Storage optimizations were implemented to reduce power consumption.
  5. 改进made to stabilize the sending and loading of the operating system to a device via radio (LoggerNet File Control).
  6. Calibration data now remains unaffected when the measurement interval is changed.
  7. Pakbus discovery via radio can now occur immediately after the USB cable is removed instead of being delayed for up to 10 minutes.
  8. Other optimizations relating to USB communications, the application of settings, and internal task processing were implemented.