CR6 OS 6.03
Updated: 04-28-2017

  1. (CRITICAL)Upgrading the Operating System could reset all CR6 settings back to the factory defaults. Sending this OS remotely is possible, but not recommended. To restore settings after the update, it is recommended that a backup be made of the current datalogger settings or take programmatic measures to ensure your settings can be restored. This can be done using the Device Configuration UtilityBackuputility or the CRBasic instructionSetSetting().Watch the Video Tutorial: Sending an OS to a Local Datalogger.
  2. (WARNING)After upgrading the CR6-WiFi and CR6-RF451 to this version of the operating system, it is recommended that the user also update the operating system in the radio daughter card. This version of the CR6 operating system has been tested with version3.1of the WiFi daughter board and version3.0of the RF-451 daughter board. These operating systems have a *.iobj extension and are placed in the same directory as the CR6 operating system. Use the same procedure to load the WiFi or RF operating systems using Device Configuration Utility. SelectDaughter Card Operating System Files (*iobj)from Files of type drop down.
  3. (WARNING)This operating system version (starting with operating system version 06.02), and all versions moving forward, will disable the datalogger FTP, Telnet, and Ping servers by default. Updating the operating system using the Send OS tab of Device Configuration Utility will revert all datalogger settings to factory defaults, and these services will be disabled. Sending the operating system as a program or by way of File Control will update the operating system but leave the FTP, Telnet, and Ping enabled settings intact. Note that disabling the FTP, Telnet, and Ping servers does not prevent the datalogger from acting as a client; the datalogger will continue to be able to use instructions such asFTPClient()andPingIP().
  4. Fixed a minor issue when the TCP/IP memory buffer was set to NULL. This condition would mainly occur when set up to listen on TCP/IP ports.
  5. ChangedSetSetting()reference from "UTC Offset" to "UTCOffset". The syntax is nowSetSetting("UTCOffset",value). This is consistent with the TableName.Fieldname syntax of Status.UTCOffset used to read the setting.
  6. Fixed a Declaration bug that occurred when whitespace (spaces and tabs) were used.
  7. Fixed an issue when pulling data via LoggerNet when certain table conditions were present. (auto-allocated, interval driven tables that resulted in only one frame of data).
  8. Fixed response ofModBusSlave()when a packet comes in that is not addressed to the datalogger.
  9. Adjusted the maximum transmission unit (MTU) size of TCP/IP packets to 1380 from 1460. It was found that certain cellular networks reduce the size of the MTU, causing the packets from the datalogger to be fragmented. This specifically affected the use of TCP/IP instructions such asEmailRelay()andFTPClient().
  10. CR6 WiFi daughter card changes (daughter card OS 03.01)(only affects CR6-WIFI dataloggers):
  11. CR6 WiFi变化——固定在th可能的内存泄漏e DHCP server. The buffer allocated for DHCP response potentially was not big enough. (only applicable for CR6-WiFi when set to create a network)
  12. CR6 WiFi变化——改变了the TTL on DNS responses to 30 seconds (from max) to reduce any possible DNS pollution (only applicable for CR6-WiFi when set to create a network).
  13. CR6 WiFi变化——改变了the DNS server to respond to some known servers that Android uses to check for internet connectivity. This improves the experience when the CR6-WIFI is hosting a WiFi network because it prevents the 'No Internet' error message from Android devices that join the network.
  14. CR6 WiFi Change - Added code to HTTP server to answer a 'generate_204' message with 204 No Content when a CR6-WIFI is hosting a WiFi network (or attached NL240 in bridge mode) is hosting a WiFi network), because it. This prevents the 'No Internet' error message from Android devices that join the network.
  15. CR6 WiFi Change - Fixed a bug that occurred when accepting an IP address from an attached NL2XX device in bridge mode. In some situations, the IP address didn’t work properly when the NL2XX device sent an address to the logger to use. For example, when the NL24X is hosting a network and a DHCP server, the daughter card will send an erroneous IP for the datalogger to use.
  16. CR6 WiFi Change – Changed the behavior when set to join a WiFi network when a SSID was not specified. Instead of joining the first open network found, the WiFi module will not join any network.