RF500M啤酒RT OS 2
Updated: 01-04-2012

  1. Changed array format used to pass data from datalogger to RF500M. Previously, array format was (ID-1,VAL-1,Header,ID-2,VAL-2, ... ID-N,VAL-N). The RF header setting was removed and is now set using Device Configuration Utility. The array format is now (ID1,VAL1, ... ID-N,VAL-N).
  2. Improved ALERT packet receive throughput.
  3. Lowered standby current drain of the RF500M when intefacing with the datalogger CS I/O port.
  4. Added "Filtered ALERT Data Binary Output" to "RS-232 Configuration" setting. Like the "ALERT Data Binary Output" setting, this setting tells the RF500M to output received ALERT data over RS-232. However, only data that meets the repeater translation rules will be output.
  5. Changed second block of ALERT translations to allow for repeating swaths of IDs. Syntax is (Rx-ID Start ID, Rx-ID End, Tx-ID Offset).
  6. Added "Translation List Mode" setting. Users can define translation lists as pass or reject lists.
  7. Added "ALERT Repeater Hold Time" setting. Users can define the amount of time packets should be stored before being forwarded. Setting is in 100's of ms with a range of 10 to 200 (1 to 20 s).
  8. Added "Header Length" setting. User can define amount of spacing transmitted at the beginning of a transmission. Setting is in 10's of ms with a range of 1 to 50 (10 to 500 ms).
  9. Added "Inter-packet Spacing" setting. User can define the amount of time spacing transmitted between ALERT data during a multi-packet transmission. Options are 0, 33, 66, 100, and 133 ms.
  10. Added "Tail Length" setting. User can define amount of spacing transmitted at the end of a transmission. Options are 0, 33, 66, 100, and 133 ms.
  11. Added "Marking Spacing Frequencies" setting. User can select marking and spacing used for transmission and receipt of ALERT data. Choices are 1920Hz/2160Hz, 1920Hz/2133Hz, and 1920Hz/2140Hz