CR1000 OS 21
Updated: 11-17-2010

  1. 添加了CWB100指令与无线传感器基座一起使用。
  2. Added support for TLS servers.
  3. Added Line Continuation. A line continuation consists of at least one white-space character that immediately precedes a single underscore character as the last character (other than white space) in a text line. A line continuation allows a logical line to span more than one physical line. Line continuations are treated as if they were white space, even though they are not.
    Public A, B,_
    C,D, E, F
    If (A And B)_
    Or (C And D)_
    Or (E And F) then Exit Scan
  4. Improved ACPower() instruction to include Wild AC power.
  5. Enhanced ModBusSlave so that multiple ModBus slave instructions referencing the same address can reference different start registers via the offset specified in the ModBus address parameter.
  6. Changed SampleMaxMin() so that the disable parameter is allowed to rep with the () syntax.
  7. 修复了WindVector的默认单位。
  8. Fixed Units problem when variable_name(constant_index_name) exceeded 38 characters.
  9. 放宽错误检查子程序调用表并从不同的序列调用。
  10. Fixed timestamp problem for interval tables using disable var to not output on the interval.
  11. Fixed a problem with long interval (>1hr) tables where there was a skipped record and a write to the table on the first call due to using the wrong time.
  12. Fixed “off-by-one error” in record number calculation for SC115 in "milking" mode.
  13. 允许呼叫子程序没有使用()定义的参数以遵循()表示法的空白空间。
  14. 更改了PPP接口,以便它将通过PPP DHCP客户端获取网关,即使它已经有来自以太网接口的网关。
  15. Enhanced HTTP web service with NewFile, ClockSet, and ClockCheck commands.
  16. 更改为国旗我编译错误,如果一个函数nvoked with the "Call" instruction.
  17. 更改了文件大小和文件段,以便如果参数是类型字符串,则假定它是文件名而不是文件句柄。
  18. Changed output modes of EC100 instruction.
  19. 添加了218命令到EC100Configure和重新编辑的指令,以允许在SDM测量任务中运行。
  20. Changed PakBus Callback so that an extra 5 seconds is added to the timeout waiting for the Public.Callback response.
  21. 将保护时间延伸到+++“远程线路”消息到DialModem指令使用的调制解调器,并通过1.2秒到2秒的PPP拨号,因为某些调制解调器期望2秒而不是1秒保护时间的原始Hayes调制解调器。
  22. Changed EmailReceive so that the optional parameter specifying where to return Date, From, and Subject will work irrespective of the order they are returned by the POP3 server. Previously the order returned by GMAIL worked but not the order returned by other email servers.
  23. Added tracing for EmailSend and EmailReceive if the datalogger’s IP Trace code is 4.
  24. Changed IPRoute() instruction so that the next hop is the gateway instead of its own address.
  25. Changed TCP and FTP user name and password to accept up to 64 characters (include null teminator) from 32.
  26. Changed DNP3 protocol: (1) multiple master connections are possible. (2) Flag arrays will index along with the data arrays. (3) The DNP "on line" flag is controled by the program's flag, bit 0, instead of forced to always on-line. (4) A TCP/IP connection will use TLS Secure Sockets if the TLS Server setting and TLS setting are active.
  27. Changed EC100 & TGA to load -99999 into first input location if a signature error on SDM data occurs.
  28. Improved communications so If in terminal mode over Modem Enable and the 'W' mode, keep the ME line high for the duration of the timeout specified.
  29. Changed the reps parameter of Move, RMSSpa, StdDevSpa, MaxSpa, MinSpa, AvgSpa, CovSpa, and SplitStr from integer constant to variable integer.
  30. Fixed parsing a constant expression that begins with &H (hexadecimal) or &B (binary) and includes a subsequent operator; e.g., &H8000 + 2.
  31. Fixed GetDataRecord and AcceptData when the record is large enough to require multiple fragments.
  32. Fixed SerialInRecord in the case that number of bytes is specified, along with either the begin word or the end word.
  33. Improved synchronization between SDM task and processing when skipped scans occur due to SDM task taking too long.