Autumn is in the air here. It makes me think of falling leaves, cool evenings, and harvesting the last of the garden produce. Ack! What to do with all those tomatoes, peppers, beans, and peas? Preserve them! That way, when the sun is low in the sky, we can retrieve and enjoy our bounty.

By using thePreserveVariablesinstruction in your CRBasic program, variables will be preserved, or set to the last known value, when a program resumes execution after a power failure, manual stop, or other operation that causes the program to recompile. This is particularly helpful for calculated variables and those that control devices. The following is an example of using thePreserveVariablesinstruction:

PreserveVariables programming code.

A singlePreserveVariablesinstruction preserves all the variables in a program. Unlike my garden preservation efforts where I have to process each vegetable on its own.


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