
The WxPRO™ is an entry-level, research-grade weather station designed for a wide variety of environmental applications. This portable tripod station is suitable for both long-term and temporary deployments.

Designed for the budget-conscious researcher, this system is a lower-cost offering than the MetPRO™ while still maintaining the quality instrumentation expected from a Campbell Scientific solution. This system implements research-grade sensors, which are needed for defensible data in environmental research. Meteorological phenomena measured can be used to calculate many weather-related algorithms such as evapotranspiration, growing-degree days, wind chill, dew point, and other weather-related parameters.


This system is also fully customizable. To meet the needs of a specific application, sensors, measurement peripherals, and communications devices can be added. Contact a Campbell Scientific sales engineer to design a custom solution.

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These systems provide optional measurements; however, they typically measure the following parameters:

  • Wind speed
  • Wind direction
  • Air temperature
  • 相对湿度
  • Barometric pressure
  • Precipitation
  • Solar radiation

Benefits and Features

  • Full-featured weather station for the budget-conscious researcher
  • Defensible data obtainable with accurate instruments
  • 低功率设计的远程系统部署
  • 远程连接以及支持的许多通信选项
  • Customizable system for specific application needs

Some system sensors and components may not be available in all parts of the world. Contact your狗万 for more details.


Detailed Description

The PRO-series stations offer new options for those looking to deploy a complete weather station solution for many research, operational, and meteorological applications. All of these stations are designed to be research-grade, although there are some differences that may affect your selection. The MesoPRO and MetPRO stations are built using the best blend of components for accuracy, durability, and reliability. The WxPRO uses quality instruments at a lower price for researchers on a tight budget.

TheMesoPRO用于适用于具有30英尺(10 m)塔的应用,并有机会在许多不同的高度上进行测量。这种配置的普通用户是大型网络(例如中索)的运营商,以及需要永久解决方案的研究人员,并在将来添加或更改工具的灵活性。

TheMetPRO使用与Mesopro相同的高质量仪器,但提供了方便的10英尺(3 m)三脚架,而不是用于安装硬件的塔。三脚架为较短的研究项目增加了移动性,并为安装完整的气象站提供了一种更轻松的方法。

Thewxprois an entry-level weather station solution that has many of the features of the higher-end systems at a lower price point. It is ideal for budget-conscious researchers who need confidence in their data from the use of quality instruments.

可以在每个组件的产品页面上查看电台上各个仪器的规格。如果您对选择系统有任何疑问,请单击Ask a Questionbutton.
