This product is no longer available and has been replaced by:EE181-L
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Note:For customers with an HC2S3, theHC2A-S3replacement sensor is available.

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  • Well-suited for long-term, unattended applications
  • Accurate and rugged
  • Compatible with most Campbell Scientific dataloggers


HC2S3-Linserted in shield and mounted to crossarm (other items sold separately)
HC2S3-Linserted in shield and mounted to crossarm (other items sold separately)
HC2S3-Linserted in shield and mounted to pole (other items sold separately)
HC2S3-Linserted in shield and mounted to pole (other items sold separately)




Electronics Operating Limits -40° to +100°C
存储温度范围 -50° to +100°C
过滤器描述 聚乙烯(标准)或聚四氟乙烯(可选,秩序ed separately)
  • < 4.3 mA (@ 5 Vdc)
  • < 2.0 mA (@ 12 Vdc)
Supply Voltage 5 to 24 Vdc
启动时间 1.5 s (typical)
The startup time is a Rotronics specification. For programming, Campbell Scientific recommends a 2 s delay at 60°C, a 3 s delay at 0°C, and a 4 s delay at -40°C.
最大启动电流 < 50 mA (for 2 μs)
  • ±3 mV (maximum) offset at 0 V.
  • < ±1 mV (0.1°C, 0.1% R. H.) deviation for digital signal
直径 15毫米(0.6英寸)
  • 85 mm (3.3 in.) without connector
  • 183 mm (7.25 in.) with connector
Weight 10 g (0.35 oz)

Air Temperature

传感器 PT100 RTD,IEC 751 1/3 B类
Measurement Range -40° to +60°C (default)
空气温度测量范围为-50°至 +100°C;有关更多信息,请联系Campbell Scientific。
输出信号范围 0 to 1 V
Accuracy ±0.1°C,具有标准配置设置(在23°C下)
Long-Term Stability < 0.1°C/year
传感器Time Constant - Standard PE Filter ≤ 22 s (63% step change [1 m/s air flow at sensor])
传感器Time Constant - Optional Teflon Filter ≤30s(典型的4 s,速度变化的63%[传感器处于1 m/s的气流])
Temperature Accuracy 请参阅探针手册中的图。


传感器 ROTRONIC®Hygromer in-1
Measurement Range 0 to 100% RH (non-condensing)
输出信号范围 0到1 VDC
Long-Term Stability <每年1%RH
Accuracy ±0.8%RH具有标准配置设置(在23°C)
传感器Time Constant - Standard PE Filter ≤22s(占35%至80%的RH步骤的63%更改[传感器时的1 m/s气流])
传感器Time Constant - Optional Teflon Filter ≤30s(典型的10 s,35%至80%rh步骤的63%变化[传感器处的1 m/s气流])
RH Accuracy over Temperature 请参阅探针手册中的图。


Note:The following shows notable compatibility information. It is not a comprehensive list of all compatible or incompatible products.


Product Compatible Note

Additional Compatibility Information


The HC2S3 should be housed in a 41003-5 10-plate naturally-aspirated solar radiation shield. This radiation shield mounts to a tripod or tower mast, crossarm, or user-supplied pole.


Number of FAQs related toHC2S3-L:9

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  1. Campbell Scientific offers two filter tips:

    • The HC2S3-L comes with a polyethylene filter that provides protection against fine dust particles, doesn't absorb or retain water, and offers a good response time.
    • A Teflon filter can be ordered separately(PN 27755,HC2S3 Replacement Teflon Filter)。该过滤器具有较小的孔径(10微米),可为细粉尘颗粒和盐(海洋环境)提供良好的保护,但其响应时间比聚乙烯滤镜稍慢。
  2. The sensor should not be cleaned with water. If the sensor is dirty, the filter should be changed or cleaned more frequently. A dirty filter can be cleaned with distilled water.

  3. To measure ambient temperature and relative humidity (RH), mount the HC2S3-L probe inside a 41003-5 or 41003-5A 10-Plate Radiation Shield. The 27731 hex plug is shipped with the HC2S3-L so that it can be used with older 10-plate radiation shield models. The 6-plate radiation shield (PN 41303-5A)不能与HC2S3-L一起使用。

  4. Most Campbell Scientific sensors are available as an –L, which indicates a user-specified cable length. If a sensor is listed as an –LX model (where “X” is some other character), that sensor’s cable has a user-specified length, but it terminates with a specific connector for a unique system:

    • –LC模型具有用户指定的电缆长度,可连接到ET107,CS110或已退休METDATA1。
    • –LQ型号具有用户指定的电缆长度,可连接到RAWS-P气象站。

    If a sensor does not have an –L or other –LX designation after the main model number, the sensor has a set cable length. The cable length is listed at the end of the Description field in the product’s Ordering information. For example, the 034B-ET model has a description of “Met One Wind Set for ET Station, 67 inch Cable.” Products with a set cable length terminate, as a default, with pigtails.

    If a cable terminates with a special connector for a unique system, the end of the model number designates which system. For example, the 034B-ET model designates the sensor as a 034B for an ET107 system.

    • –ET模型终止于ET107气象站的连接器终止。
    • –ETM型号终止于ET107气象站的连接器终止,但它们还包括特殊的系统安装,在购买替换零件时通常很方便。
    • –QD型号用RAWS-F快速部署站的连接器终止。
    • –PW型号用PWENC或PREDENED系统的连接器终止。
  5. Not every sensor has different cable termination options. The options available for a particular sensor can be checked by looking in two places in the Ordering information area of the sensor product page:

    • 型号
    • Cable Termination Options list

    If a sensor is offered in an –ET, –ETM, –LC, –LQ, or –QD version, that option’s availability is reflected in the sensor model number. For example, the 034B is offered as the 034B-ET, 034B-ETM, 034B-LC, 034B-LQ, and 034B-QD.

    All of the other cable termination options, if available, are listed on the Ordering information area of the sensor product page under “Cable Termination Options.” For example, the 034B-L Wind Set is offered with the –CWS, –PT, and –PW options, as shown in the Ordering information area of the 034B-L product page.

    Note:As newer products are added to our inventory, typically, we will list multiple cable termination options under a single sensor model rather than creating multiple model numbers. For example, the HC2S3-L has a –C cable termination option for connecting it to a CS110 instead of offering an HC2S3-LC model.

  6. Note the difference between calibration and a field check. Calibration cannot be done in the field, as it requires an experienced technician and specialized equipment.


    1. 找到与已涉及数据的已安装传感器相同类型的第二个传感器。第二个传感器将用作基准传感器,应知道是准确的或近期校准的。
    2. 在现场,在相同条件下使用两个传感器进行读数。最好的做法是同时测量两个传感器。请注意,传感器永远不会具有完全相同的测量。
    3. Depending on the sensor model, if the difference in the readings of the installed and benchmark sensors is greater than the sum of the accuracies for both sensors, either return the installed sensor to Campbell Scientific for calibration or replace the appropriate chip.
      • 可以校准107、108、109、110PV-L和BlackGlobe-L温度传感器。
      • The HC2S3-L and HMP155A-L temperature and relative humidity sensors can be calibrated.
      • CS215-L具有可更换的芯片,可用于温度和相对湿度。For more information,refer to the “Maintenance and Calibration” section of the CS215instruction manual
      • The HMP60-L has a replaceable chip for relative humidity only.For more information,refer to the “Maintenance” section of the HMP60instruction manual
  7. Many Campbell Scientific sensors are available with different cable termination options. These options include the following:

    • The –PT (–PT w/Tinned Wires) option is the default option and does not display on the product line as the other options do. The cable terminates in pigtails that connect directly to a data logger.
    • 在–C(–C W/ET/CS110连接器)选项中,该电缆终止在连接到CS110电场表或Et系列气象站的连接器中。
    • 在–CWS(–CWS W/CWS900连接器)选项中,该电缆终止在连接到CWS900系接口的连接器中。连接到CWS900系列接口,可以在无线传感器网络中使用传感器。
    • 在–PW(–PW w/w/pre-wire连接器)选项中,电缆终止在连接到固定外壳上的连接器中。
    • 在–RQ(–RQ W/RAWS连接器)选项中,该电缆终止在连接器的连接器中,该连接器连接到RAWS-P永久远程自动气象站。

    Note:The availability of cable termination options varies by sensor. For example, sensors may have none, two, or several options to choose from. If a desired option is not listed for a specific sensor, contact Campbell Scientific for assistance.

  8. To incorporate a sensor that is compatible with wireless sensor interfaces into a wireless network, a CWS900-series wireless sensor interface is needed, as well as an A205 CWS-to-PC interface to configure it.

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