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GPS16x-HVS.-PW GPS Receiver with Integrated Antenna for Prewired Enclosures
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Repair Yes
校准 Yes
Free Support Yes



GPS16x-HVS-PW是全球定位系统(GPS)接收器,提供位置,速度和时序信息。Campbell Scientific配置GPS16x-HVS-PW并修改其电缆,以便接收器更容易与我们的数据记录器接口。该接收器的电缆配有连接器,用于连接到我们预先的外壳。

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Benefits and Features

  • Allows the data logger to be synchronized to the highly accurate time of the GPS unit
  • Extremely accurate timing pulse (PPS) can be used to synchronize time between the data logger and other instruments
  • Connects directly to a CR800, CR850, CR1000, or CR3000 datalogger when PPP time-synchronizing funtionality is not used.
  • 电缆直接连接预制机箱
  • 差分DGPS功能使用实时WAA或RTCM校正,屈服3至5米的位置精度


Detailed Description


GPS16X-HVS-PW由Garmin International制造。Campbell Scientific配置接收器并修改其电缆。修改的电缆终止于与我们的PHWENC预期机箱兼容的连接器中,然后直接连接到CR800,CR850,CR1000或CR3000 Datalogger的控制端口。

The default settings are typically used. Changing the default settings or optionsrequires additional hardware to connect to a PC running GPS16 software.(请参阅网页上的订购信息。)The software can be downloaded, at no charge, from the Garmin website (www.garmin.com).

默认情况下,该指令预计将在38400波特设置GPS单元,每秒输出一次GPRMC和GPGGA句子。数据记录器期望第二个开始与PPS信号的上升沿一致。如果没有PPS信号,或者如果所需的句子在每秒少于一次,则数据记录器不会更新其时钟。具有较低波特率的GPS单元可以与GPS指令一起使用,但必须为相关的COM端口设置波特率,它将在数据记录器设置中连接或通过在BENGPROG指令之后包括SETSTATUS命令program (e.g., SetStatus("BaudrateCOM4",19200)). Baud rates below 2400 bps will not work as the GPS unit will not be transmit the two GPS sentences once per second reliably. Similar problems can be encountered even at higher baud rates if too many optional GPS strings are selected to be output.


接收者 WAAS enabled. 12 parallel channel GPS receiver continuously tracks and uses up to 12 satellites (up to 11 with PPS active) to compute and update the position.
Update Rate Factory set to 1 s between updates. (Programmable from 1 to 900 s.)
PPS Output 1 Hz pulse; 1 µs accuracy (Width factory set to 100 ms.)
Baud Rate 工厂设置为38400 bps。
Operating Temperature Range -30°至+ 80°C
Storage Temperature Range -40° to +80°C
工作电压 8 to 40 Vdc
当前的流失 65 mA活跃(@ 12 VDC)
速度精度 0.1结RMS稳态
电缆长度 4.57 m (15 ft)
直径 9.1 cm (3.58 in.)
高度 4.2厘米(1.65英寸)
Weight 332克(12盎司)

Position Accuracy (95% typical)

GPS标准定位服务(SPS) < 15 m
DGPS (USCG/RTCM) Correction 3 to 5 m
DGPS (WAAS) Correction < 3 m


重申 <2秒
Hot ~1 s (all data known)
Warm ~38 s (initial position, time and almanac known, ephemeris unknown)
Cold ~45 s



Data Loggers

Product Compatible Note
CR1000.(retired) May require an adapter. If PPS input is required, use the A300 level shifter.
CR23X(retired) 接触Campbell Scientific about using the GPS16X-HVS-PW with this data logger.
CR3000(retired) May require an adapter. If PPS input is required, use the A300 level shifter.
CR500.0(retired) The CR5000 can be connected using an SDM-SIO1A.
CR800 May require an adapter. If PPS input is required, use the A300 level shifter.
CR850 May require an adapter. If PPS input is required, use the A300 level shifter.
CR9000(retired) 接触Campbell Scientific about using the GPS16X-HVS-PW with this data logger.
CR9000x.(retired) 接触Campbell Scientific about using the GPS16X-HVS-PW with this data logger.



我们的CR6,CR800,CR850,CR1000和CR3000 DataLogger通常使用CRBasicGPS()instruction to read the GPS16X-HVS-PW.

For theGPS()指令设置时间或使用来自GPS传感器的脉冲,一些数据记录器需要更新的时钟芯片。某些数据记录器将需要适配器将GPS16X-HVS-PW的3V PPS输出转换为5 V信号。

时钟芯片是换档,需要一个RMA (Return Material Authorization). Data loggers with the following serial numbers need an updated chip:

Data Logger Serial Number
CR1000.M < 20409
CR800, CR850 < 7920
CR3000 <3168
CR6. Works with all

2014年8月,Garmin将GPS16x-HVS-PW PPS输出信号从5 V至3 V.具有大于1A4189318的序列号的单位具有3 V PPS输出信号。当使用CR800,CR850,CR1000或CR3000 Datalogger使用时,需要3 V至5 V电压移位器,用于PPS信号输出。SW12V或A300可用于此目的。CR6 Datalogger不需要此级别移位器。


The GPS16X-HVS-PW mounts to a mast or crossarm using the CM235 Magnetic Mounting Stand. Typically, the GPS16X-HVS mounts to the CM235 magnetically with the addition of the 17212 Magnetic Mount. Alternatively, the GPS16X-HVS can be mounted directly to the CM235 using three M4 screws supplied with the 17212 or by the customer.

Frequently Asked Questions

Number of FAQs related toGPS16x-HVS.-PW:6


  1. 不可以。系统在使用信息输出以同步时钟之前需要稳定。当未使用PPS时,时钟操作正常进行,例如当没有连接GPS接收器时。

  2. The following are possible causes:

    • The GPS receiver is not producing the correct sentences.
    • The GPS receiver is configured with too low of a baud rate.
    • The GPS receiver is producing too many sentences for a given 1 s period.
    • The GPS receiver does not have a PPS (pulse per second) line correctly connected to the data logger.
    • The GPS receiver is a unit with a pulse-per-signal that is not 1 Hz.
  3. Refer to the CRBasic Editor Help for theGPS()instruction. The system is working correctly. The data logger clock has been synchronized and is detecting a PPS line low to high transition within a 10 ms window before the start of the second.

  4. To record the data, do the following:

    1. 从接收器中拉入一个或多个NMEA句子。
    2. Pull out longitude and latitude information from the received data.
    3. 将该数据存储在用户定义的数据表中。

    The easiest method for receiving and parsing out latitude and longitude information is to use theGPS()instruction.

  5. This can be done, but only oneGPS()指令可以包括在程序中,因为不希望具有竞争时钟同步的多个输入。使用Serialopen()SerialInRecord()将数据从多个指令sensors, and use thesplitstr()instruction to parse the data out.

  6. Campbell Scientific提供GPS16X-HV,以便与GPS时间同步。如果它们生成GPRMC和GPGGA句子,则可以使用其他GPS单元。如果单位具有PPS(每秒脉冲)输出,则可以提高时间同步精度。


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