CS650 30 cm Soil Moisture and Temperature Sensor
weather applications water applications energy applications gas flux and turbulence applications infrastructure applications 土壤应用


The CS650 is a multiparameter smart sensor that uses innovative techniques to monitor soil volumetric water content, bulk electrical conductivity, and temperature. It outputs an SDI-12 signal that many of our data loggers can measure.

笔记:该传感器的电缆终止选项不适合与ET107站一起使用。对于此类站,请使用CS650-LCsensor instead, which has a suitable cable connector.



  • More accurate water content measurements in soils with bulk EC up to 3 dS m-1without performing a soil-specific calibration
  • Larger sample volume reduces error
  • Measurement corrected for effects of soil texture and electrical conductivity
  • 估计各种矿物土壤的土壤水含量
  • Versatile sensor—measures dielectric permittivity, bulk electrical conductivity (EC), and soil temperature


Detailed Description

The CS650 consists of two 30-cm-long stainless steel rods connected to a printed circuit board. The circuit board is encapsulated in epoxy and a shielded cable is attached to the circuit board for data logger connection.

The CS650 measures propagation time, signal attenuation, and temperature. Dielectric permittivity, volumetric water content, and bulk electrical conductivity are then derived from these raw values.

测量的信号衰减用于纠正对反射检测的损失效果,从而纠正了传播时间测量。这种损失效应校正允许在散装EC≤3ds M的土壤中进行准确的水含量测量-1不执行土壤特异性校准。

Soil bulk electrical conductivity is also calculated from the attenuation measurement. A thermistor in thermal contact with a probe rod near the epoxy surface measures temperature. Horizontal installation of the sensor provides accurate soil temperature measurement at the same depth as the water content. Temperature measurement in other orientations will be that of the region near the rod entrance into the epoxy body.


进行的测量 Soil electrical conductivity (EC), relative dielectric permittivity, volumetric water content (VWC), soil temperature
Required Equipment Measurement system
Soil Suitability 具有较大感应体积的长杆(> 6 L)适用于低至中等电导率的土壤。
Rods Not replaceable
传感器 不可互换
感应量 7800 cm3(在每个探头杆周围的半径〜7.5厘米半径和4.5厘米以外的杆末端)
Electromagnetic CE compliant
Meets EN61326 requirements for protection against electrostatic discharge and surge.
工作温度范围 -50°至 +70°C
Sensor Output SDI-12;串行RS-232
热身时间 3s
Measurement Time 3ms to measure; 600 ms to complete SDI-12 command
电源要求 6 to 18 Vdc (Must be able to supply 45 mA @ 12 Vdc.)
最大电缆长度 610 m(2000 ft)的总长度最多可连接到相同数据记录器控制端口的25个传感器
Rod Spacing 32 mm (1.3 in.)
Ingress Protection Rating IP68
杆直径 3.2毫米(0.13英寸)
Rod Length 300毫米(11.8英寸)。
探针头尺寸 85 x 63 x 18毫米(3.3 x 2.5 x 0.7英寸)
电缆重量 35 g per m (0.38 oz per ft)
Probe Weight 280 g (9.9 oz) without cable

Current Drain

Active (3 ms)
  • 45 MA典型(@ 12 VDC)
  • 80 mA(@ 6 VDC)
  • 35 mA (@ 18 Vdc)
Quiescent 135 µA典型(@ 12 VDC)


溶液EC范围 0至3 ds/m
Range for Bulk EC 0至3 ds/m
Accuracy ±(5% of reading + 0.05 dS/m)
Precision BEC的0.5%

Relative Dielectric Permittivity

Range 1 to 81
  • 对于解决方案EC≤3ds/m的±(2%读数 + 0.6)从1到40
  • ±1.4 (from 40 to 81 for solution EC ≤1 dS/m)
Precision < 0.02


Range 0 to 100% (with M4 command)
  • ±1% (with soil-specific calibration)
  • ±3% (typical with factory VWC model) where solution EC < 3 dS/m
Precision <0.05%

Soil Temperature

Range -50°至 +70°C
Resolution 0.001°C
  • ±0.1°C(对于典型的土壤温度[0至40°C],当探针埋在土壤中时)
  • ±0.5°C (for full temperature range)
Precision ±0.02°C


笔记:The following shows notable compatibility information. It is not a comprehensive list of all compatible or incompatible products.

Data Loggers

产品 兼容的 笔记

Additional Compatibility Information

RF Considerations

External RF Sources

External RF sources can affect the probe’s operation. Therefore, the probe should be located away from significant sources of RF such as ac power lines and motors.

Interprobe Interference

Multiple CS650 sensors can be installed within 4 inches of each other when using the standard data logger SDI-12 “M” command. The SDI-12 “M” command allows only one probe to be enabled at a time.


The CS650G makes inserting soil-water sensors easier in dense or rocky soils. This tool can be hammered into the soil with force that might damage the sensor if the CS650G were not used. It makes pilot holes into which the rods of the sensors can then be inserted.


CS650 / CS655 Firmware v.2 (429 KB)12-02-2015

Current CS650 and CS655 firmware.


View Update History



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  1. The electrical conductivity (EC) of sea water is approximately 48 dS/m. The CS650 can measure permittivity in water with EC between 0 and 3 dS/m. EC readings become extremely unstable at conductivities higher than 3 dS/m and are reported as NAN or 9999999. Because EC is part of the permittivity equation, an EC reading of NAN leads to a permittivity reading of NAN as well. Thus, the CS650 cannot provide good readings in sea water.


  2. The bulk electrical conductivity (EC) measurement is made along the sensor rods, and it is an average reading of EC over that distance at whatever depth the rods are placed.

  3. 是的。在安装过程中,保持传感器杆在砾石中特别困难,但可以做到。砾石具有较大的孔隙空间,可快速排水,因此水含量读数可能会显示饱和度和非常干燥之间的快速变化。如果有趣的是在干端的水含量变化很小,则可能需要进行土壤特定的校准,以将平均定期平均转换为体积水含量。

  4. No. The principle that makes these sensors work is that liquid water has a dielectric permittivity of close to 80, while soil solid particles have a dielectric permittivity of approximately 3 to 6. Gasoline and other hydrocarbons have dielectric permittivities in the same range as soil particles, which essentially make them invisible to the CS650 and the CS655.

  5. The CS650 and the CS655 are not ideal sensors for measuring water level. However, these sensors do respond to the abrupt change in permittivity at the air/water interface. A calibration could be performed to relate the period average or permittivity reading to the distance along the sensor rods where the air/water interface is located. From that, the water level can be determined. The permittivity of water is temperature dependent, so a temperature correction would be needed to acquire accurate results.

  6. 否。空气和饱和土壤界面处的突然介电常数会导致平均响应不同,而当传感器杆完全插入土壤中时发现的渐进介电常数变化。

    For example, if a CS650 or a CS655 was inserted halfway into a saturated soil with a volumetric water content of 0.4, the sensor would provide a different period average and permittivity reading than if the probe was fully inserted into the same soil when it had a volumetric water content of 0.2.

  7. If information is available on soil texture, organic matter content, and electrical conductivity (EC) from soil surveys or lab testing of the soil, it should be possible to tell if the soil conditions fall outside the range of operation of the sensor. Without this information, an educated guess can be made based on soil texture, climate, and management:

    • Soil that is coarse textured (such as sand, loamy sand, or sandy loam) works well with a CS650 if the EC is low.
    • 如果土壤位于干旱或半干旱地区,则可能具有高EC。
    • If the soil is frequently fertilized or irrigated with water that has higher EC, it may have high EC.
    • 如果气候提供足够的降雨来冲洗根区域以下累积盐,则EC预计将是低且适合CS650的降雨。

    When in doubt about soil texture and electrical conductivity, Campbell Scientific recommends using a CS655 because of the sensor’s wider range of operation in electrically conductive soils, as compared with the CS650.

  8. 是的。There is surge protection built into the sensor electronics. The sensor survives a surge of 2 kV at 42 ohm line-to-ground on digital I/O and 2 kV at 12 ohm line-to-ground on power. It also survives a surge of 2 kV at 2 ohm line-to-ground on the rods.

    If additional surge protection is required, consider using theSVP100Surge Voltage Protector DIN Rail with Mounting Hardware

  9. Damage to the CS650 or the CS655 electronics or rods cannot be repaired because these components are potted in epoxy. Cable damage, on the other hand, may possibly be repaired.了解更多信息,参考Repair and Calibrationpage.

  10. CS650棒,有30厘米长,和CS655 has rods that are 12 cm long. The difference in rod length causes some changes in specifications. For example, the CS650 is slightly more accurate in its permittivity and water content readings, but the CS655 works over a larger range of electrical conductivity. In addition, the CS650 handles a larger measurement volume and provides good accuracy in low EC (electrical conductivity) sand and sandy loam. The CS655 is typically more accurate in soil, works well over a wide range of soil textures and EC, and is easier to install because of its shorter rods.

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