Data Loggers/ CR850
Smaller, Simpler Data Logger
天气应用 水应用 能源应用 gas flux and turbulence applications infrastructure applications soil applications



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Benefits and Features

  • Integrated keyboard and display screen let you program, manually initiate data transfers, and view data, all on site.
  • 理想的应用包括风谱,气象站,ETO/农业,空气质量,土壤水分,水位/阶段,水产养殖,车辆测试,时域反射测量法,SCADA和水质
  • Simpler in design, the CR800 and CR850 are easier to program and wire.
  • 通过I/O端口对支持的串行传感器和设备的串行通信
  • Contains custom ASIC chip that expands pulse count, control port, and serial communications capabilities
  • Supports PakBus, Modbus, SDI-12, and DNP3 protocols
  • Compatible with channel expansion peripherals allowing you to expand your system
  • Includes both an CS I/O port and an RS-232 port for connecting communication devices
  • Gas Discharge Tube (GDT) protected inputs
  • 电池支持的时钟,可确保在数据记录仪与电池电源断开连接时保持准确的时间
  • Program with LoggerNet, PC400, or Short Cut to fit your setup

Detailed Description

The CR850 consists of measurement electronics encased in a plastic shell with an integrated wiring panel, 16- character keyboard, and display screen. The display can show 8 lines x 21 characters (64 x 128 pixels). Custom menus are supported allowing customers to set up choices within the data logger program that can be initiated by a simple “toggle” or “pick list”. Its keyboard and display screen is used to program the data logger, manually initiate data transfer, and display data.

The CR850 uses an external power supply. Low power consumption allows the it to operate for extended periods on a battery recharged with a solar panel—eliminating the need for AC power. The CR850 suspends execution when primary power drops below 9.6 V, reducing the possibility of inaccurate measurements.

The on-board operating system includes measurement, processing, and output instructions for programming the data logger. The programming language, CRBasic, uses a BASIC-like syntax. Measurement instructions specific to bridge configurations, voltage outputs, thermocouples, and pulse/frequency signals are included. Processing instructions support algebraic, statistical, and transcendental functions for on-site processing. Output instructions process data over time and control external devices.


-笔记- Note: Additional specifications are listed in theCR800-Series Specifications Sheet
Operating Temperature Range
  • -25° to +50°C (standard)
  • -30° to +80°C (extended)
  • 非传感环境
最大扫描率 100 Hz
Analog Inputs 6 single-ended or 3 differential (individually configured)
Pulse Counters 2
Voltage Excitation Terminals 2 (VX1, VX2)
Communications Ports
  • CS I/O
  • RS-232
Switched 12 Volt 1端子
Digital I/O
  • Certain digital ports can be used to count switch closures.
  • 4 I/Os or 2 RS-232 COM
    I/O ports can be paired as transmit and receive for measuring smart serial sensors.
Input Limits ±5 V
Analog Voltage Accuracy ±(0.06% of reading + offset) at 0° to 40°C
ADC 13-bit
Power Requirements 9.6 to 16 Vdc
实时时钟精度 ±3分钟。每年(通过GPS可选进行校正。)
Internet Protocols FTP, HTTP, XML POP3, SMTP, Telnet, NTCIP, NTP
Communication Protocols PakBus, Modbus, DNP3, SDI-12, SDM
Idle Current Drain, Average 1 mA (@ 12 Vdc)
Active Current Drain, Average
  • 1 to 16 mA (1 Hz sample rate @ 12 Vdc without RS-232 communication)
  • 16 mA (100 Hz sample rate @ 12 Vdc without RS-232 communication)
  • 28 MA(带RS-232通信的100 Hz样品率 @ 12 VDC)
Dimensions 24.1 x 10.4 x 5.1 cm(9.5 x 4.1 x 2英寸)
Weight 0.7 kg (1.5 lb)




Product Compatible Note
LoggerNet (版本3.3或更高版本)
PC400 (1.4版或更高版本)
pconnect(retired) (版本3.3或更高版本)
pconnectCE(retired) (Version 2.2 or higher)
Short Cut
VISUALWEATHER (Version 2 or higher)

Additional Compatibility Information


With several channel types, the CR850 is compatible with nearly every available sensor, including thermocouples, SDI-12 sensors, and 4 to 20 mA sensors. A custom ASIC chip expands its pulse count, control port, and serial communications capabilities. The CR850's I/O ports can be paired as transmit and receive, allowing serial communications with serial sensors and devices.




The CR850 communicates with a PC via direct connect, NL201 Ethernet Interface, multidrop modems, short haul modems, phone modems (land line, digital cellular, and voice-synthesized), RF telemetry, and satellite transmitters (Argos and High Data Rate GOES).

可以在其板载键盘显示屏上查看数据,使用键盘,用户支持的iOS或Android设备(需要LoggerLink),CD295 Dataveiew II显示或用户提供的PDA(PCONNECT或PCONNECTCE软件))。

The SC115 is the only compatible external data storage device. The CR850 does not have a peripheral port and is therefore not compatible with the CFM100, NL115, or NL120.


The CR850 and its power supply can be housed in any of our standard enclosures.


Any 12 Vdc source can power the CR850 datalogger. Power supplies commonly used with the CR850 are the BPALK, PS100, and PS200. The BPALK provides eight non-rechargeable D-cell alkaline batteries with a 7.5 A h rating at 20°C.

Both the PS100 and PS200 consist of a sealed rechargeable 7 A h battery and a charging regulator. Their battery should be connected to a charging source (either a wall charger or solar panel). These two power supplies differ in their charging regulator. The PS100 has a standard regulator and the PS200 has a micro-controller-based smart regulator. The PS200's regulator provides two-step constant voltage charging and temperature compensation that optimize battery charging and increases the battery’s life.

Also available are the BP12 and BP24 battery packs, which provide nominal ratings of 12 and 24 A h, respectively. These batteries should be connected to a regulated charging source (e.g., a CH100 or CH200 connected to a unregulated solar panel or wall charger).




CR800 OS v.32.05 (4.33 MB)01-06-2020


Note:This OS has crossed the 2 Meg CR800 size limit for remote download。必须通过与设备配置实用程序直接连接将操作系统下载到2兆CR800。所有操作系统下载方法均由4 MEG CR800支持。

Upgrading from versions prior to version 28 of the Operating System will reset the datalogger’s CPU drive. This is due to a change in the format of the file system from FAT16 to FAT32. In order for the datalogger to operate correctly, as part of the upgrade, the CPU drive is formatted to FAT32. Any programs stored and running from the CPU drive will be lost. It is not recommended to update the datalogger’s Operating System over a remote connection where program control regulates the communication equipment (turning it on or off, etc.). In these cases, an on-site visit and a backup using DevConfig’s backup utility is necessary to update the datalogger’s Operating System.

Watch the Video Tutorial: Sending an OS to a Local Datalogger.



Device Configuration Utility v.2.26 (44.8 MB)03-16-2021



Windows 10, 8.1, 8, and 7 (Both 32 and 64 bit)


Frequently Asked Questions

Number of FAQs related toCR850:148

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  1. Yes, using theDisplayMenu/EndMenu()andMenuIteminstructions.
  2. No. The display has its own OS that is not programmable using CRBasic.
  3. Baler2.2 was developed before the release of the CR800 and, therefore, does not work with it.The latest version ofBalerdoes work with the CR800 and can be found in the Downloads section ofthe Baler product page

    Note:作为新版本的Balerare released, upgrades to older versions may not work. The notes associated with the upgrade or patch indicate which previous version needs to be installed before installing the upgrade.

  4. 过载保护的上限是有限的evice on the wiring panel, which is a 1.5KE20CA. The key limit is for constant dc voltages; it starts to become leaky as the voltage increases and reaches the range of its nominal surge clamp voltage of 20 V. It is possible to damage that component if the voltage is continuously held near its clamp voltage, causing it to dissipate a lot of power.

    There are also other issues of internal heat generation, which could increase measurement errors at high temperatures—especially if powering sensors or peripherals from the data logger.

    这就是为什么引用16 V的限制的原因,该限在铅酸电池的正常运行电压范围内。如果电压略高于此,尤其是在冷时,则不会引起问题。

  5. Yes. Many customers use the Iridium satellite transceiver.
  6. Yes. The CR800 and CR850 are compatible with exactly the same options as the CR1000 but with a lower channel count.

  7. No, unless the internal lithium battery is below 2.7 Vdc. The lithium battery helps preserve the data, program, and clock setting when the 12 Vdc battery is removed.

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