This product is no longer available and has been replaced by:CR300,CR310.
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Repair 是的
Calibration No
免费支持 是的


The CR295X is a small, low-cost data logger that reads input from one or two sensors, then transmits the data using the GOES satellite transmitter. Multiple CR295Xs can be configured as a network, or units can be deployed individually. CRBasic, its full programming language, supports simple or complex programming and many onboard data reduction processes. It supports stand-alone operation in harsh, remote environments.

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  • Small, low-cost data logger designed for use with GOES satellite transmitters
  • When combined with the TX320 GOES satellite transmitter, the CR295X can be used in extremely remote locations.
  • Ideal applications include wind energy, rural water, water level/flow, aquaculture, water quality
  • Gas Discharge Tube (GDT) protected inputs
  • 最佳测量一个或两个简单的传感器
  • Makes SDI-12, single-ended analog, pulse, switch closure, and bridge measurements
  • Battery-backed clock that ensures accurate time is maintained while data logger is disconnected from battery power
  • 使用LoggerNet,PC400或捷径为适合您的设置的程序



CR295X包括一个额外的RS-232串行端口,该端口允许与TX320,TX312或SAT HDR GON GONE卫星发射机进行通信。它有几个用于测量各种传感器的输入通道。气体排放管为输入提供坚固的静电排放保护。

The CR295X does not make differential measurements and is not compatible with SDM devices, multiplexers, or thermocouples. (Refer to the Compatibility information on the web page for compatible sensors, peripherals, and software.) Recalibration services are not offered for the CR295X dataloggers.


-笔记- Note: Additional specifications are listed in theCR200X系列规格表.
最大扫描率 1 Hz
Analog Channels
  • 单端模拟inputs can also be used as control ports.
  • 5 single-ended (no differential) individually configured
脉冲计数通道 2
Switched Excitation Channels 2 voltage
Digital Ports
  • Certain digital ports can be used to count switch closures.
  • 2 I/O
Communication Ports 2 RS-232
切换电池端口 1
输入电压范围 0 to 2500 mV
模拟电压精度 在-40°至 + 50°C时,±(0.25%的读数 +(1.2 mV)x(偏移))
Analog Voltage Resolution 0.6 mV
A/D位 12
Operating Temperature -40° to +50°C
Power Requirements 7 to 16 Vdc
Typical Current Drain
  • 〜0.2 ma(静止)
  • ~3 mA (active)
Clock Accuracy
  • 8.2 min./month (@ -40° to +50°C)
  • 1 min./month (@ +25°C)
Protocols Supported PakBus (leaf node only), SDI-12
保修单 3年
Dimensions 14.0 x 7.6 x 4.8厘米(5.5 x 3.0 x 1.9英寸)
重量 242 g (8.5 oz)


Final Storage 512 kB of flash memory for approximately 125,000 data points
操作系统 106 kB of flash memory
Intermediate Storage 8 kB of SRAM for communication buffers, calculations, variables, etc.


Note:The following shows notable compatibility information. It is not a comprehensive list of all compatible or incompatible products.


Product Compatible Note
Loggernet Version 2.1 or higher
PC400 Version 1.0 or higher
PCONNECT(retired) Version 3.0 or higher
pconnectce(retired) 2.0版或更高版本
Short Cut
VisualWeather 2.0版或更高版本

Additional Compatibility Information


The CR295X is compatible with our TX320, TX312 (retired), and SAT HDR GOES (retired) satellite transmitters.

The CR295X can communicate with a PC via direct connect, NL201 Network Link Interface, NL240 Wi-Fi Network Link, MD485 multidrop modem, and digital cellular modems. Data can be viewed on an iOS device, an Android device, CD295 DataView II Display, or a user-supplied PDA. To use an iOS or Android device, go to the Apple Store or Google Play and download our LoggerLink Mobile Apps free of charge. User-supplied PDAs require either PConnect or PConnectCE software.


不支持Campbell Scientific的SDM设备和多路复用器。


典型的电源是BP12 AHR或BP24 24 AHR电池,CH100或CH200调节器,以及SP10或SP20太阳能电池板。CR295X包括将其与卫星发射器和电源连接的电缆。


An ENC16/18 enclosure can house the CR295X logger, satellite transmitter, and power supply; smaller enclosures cannot house the power supply required for GOES communications. Hardware is included with the data logger for mounting to an enclosure backplate.


CR295X可以测量各种传感器,包括SDI-12传感器和4至20 mA传感器。它不能进行差异测量,并且与冰冻林/冰,燃料湿度/温度,地理位置,当前天气,土壤热通量,土壤矩阵潜力以及我们的价格清单上列出的应变传感器不兼容。


CR200X系列OS V.04(1.29 MB)2015年9月22日

Execution of this download installs the Operating System and Compiler on your computer for the following dataloggers:CR200X, CR206X, CR211X, CR216X and CR295X. It also updates the support files for the CRBasic Editor.

Note: Newer CR206X dataloggers (serial # ≥ 19122) and newer CR211X dataloggers (serial #≥ 19143) have 250 mW radios that must use OS 3 or higher for their datalogger operating system.

View Update History

Frequently Asked Questions

Number of FAQs related toCR295X:38

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  1. 不是直接。如果将CS15-L连接到CR200(X)Datalogger,则数据记录器可以根据数据记录程序程序中的某个阈值进行AC测量并控制固态继电器。然后,固态继电器可以控制其他继电器,螺线管或电动机启动器。(使用固态继电器是首选的,因为数据记录仪可以用小5 VDC MA信号触发它。)有关更多信息,请参见“测量和控制外围设备”部分。operator’s manual.

  2. 是的。最简单的方法是使用条件程序语句,该语句根据时间执行大多数代码。例如,数据可以安排在上午6点记录,并在晚上8点结束。使用CRBASIC指令,例如IfTime(). Another option is to use anIfThen/EndIfconstruction that does a logical test of light-level measurements based on a light sensor. An additional option is to use calculated sunrise and sunset times along with a combination of即时的()and案子instructions.

    有关更多信息,请参见“决策,决策,决定…“ 文章。

  3. Current data loggers compatible with theBMP5 Direct SDKare the CR200X-series, CR1000, CR3000, CR800, and CR850.

    Retired compatible data loggers include the CR10X-PB, CR23X-PB, and CR510-PB. These data loggers must have the optional PakBus operating system installed, which is available on theDownloads pageof our website.

  4. The maximum cable length depends on the interface being used.

    • RS-232 connections will reach 15 m (50 ft).
    • RS-485连接超过610 m(2,000 ft)。
    • IP连接可以在全球范围内进行路由。
  5. Technically, the SRM-5A is compatible with the CR200X-series dataloggers, but it is more complicated to use it with these data loggers. To use a SRM-5A with a CR200X-series datalogger, the SRM-5A must be in the DTE position on the station modem. In addition, user-supplied adapters and gender changers are needed to complete the connections between the SRM-5A and the RS-232 port of the data logger. Contact Campbell Scientific for more information.

  6. If small amounts of data are transferred per transmission, it will not be a problem. Larger amounts of data can overrun buffers in the modem, causing lost data. In that situation, lower the baud rate on the data logger to avoid the issue.

  7. CR200X系列和已退休的CR200系列数据元素与SDM或多路复用器不兼容。如果将来需要更多渠道或可能需要更多渠道,请考虑购买CR800,CR850或CR1000。

  8. The internal battery is not rechargeable. In the case of low internal battery voltage, data will only be maintained as long as a power supply is connected. Collect all data from the data logger before disconnecting the power.

    The battery, a 15598, is not user replaceable. The data logger should be returned to Campbell Scientific to have the battery replaced.To request a return material authorization (RMA) number,follow the steps listed on our维修和校准页。

  9. A data logger can be programmed to initiate data transfer by using theSendVariables()or调整后back()instruction in CRBasic.

    NOTE: These instructions are not supported in the CR200X operating system.

  10. 不,因为它行不通。SC32B用于执行以下操作:

    • Convert data logger logic levels (on the CS I/O port) to RS-232 levels
    • Optically isolate the data logger from the RS-232 peripheral

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