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Displaying 1 - 19 of 19 articles tagged with:CR6

A Quick Comparison of the CR1000X, CR1000, and CR6 Dataloggers

Author:Timothy Jeppsen|Last Updated: 03/19/2020 | Comments: 4

a quick comparison of the cr1000x, cr1000, and cr6 dataloggers

我们最近发布了CR1000X测量和控制数据记录,您可能会想知道它如何与我们广泛使用的CR1000数据记录器和我们创新的CR6 Datalogger进行比较。如果您在市场上的新数据记录器,你怎么知道哪一个是...read more


Author:Kevin Rhodes|最后更新:12/02/2019 |评论:0

it’s time to embrace the hybrid

有时,很难放手。但如果我们不放手,我们就没有空手准备接受一些新的数据记录器。CR1000测量和控制数据记录器(2004年推出)一直在我们的行星的每个大陆的安装中令人难以置信的成功....read more

How to Monitor Your Campbell Cellular Modem Data Usage: Part 1

Author:Nathanael Wright|Last Updated: 01/16/2019 | Comments: 2


您是否知道您可以使用集成蜂窝调制解调器和我们的外部坎贝尔科学品牌的蜂窝模块使用CRBasic计划代码在我们的新数据记录器上监控数据使用情况?在这个两部分系列中,我将首先向您展示如何在...中执行此操作read more

Understanding the Roles of Data Loggers, RTUs, PLCs, and PACs

Author:雅各布戴维斯|Last Updated: 02/28/2018 | Comments: 1


Now and then, someone will ask if a Campbell Scientific data logger can be used in place of a PLC (programmable logic controller) or an RTU (remote terminal unit). Admittedly, it is not a simple question to answer. The capabilities of modern PLCs, RTUs, and...read more

新产品支持:Kipp&Zonen的Razon +

Author:Matt Perry|Last Updated: 01/17/2018 | Comments: 0

new product support: kipp & zonen’s razon+

During 2017, I was asked several times for a data logger program to retrieve data from Kipp & Zonen’s new RaZON+, a compact-sized dual-axis sun tracker with integrated GPS, smart pyrheliometer, and shaded smart pyranometer. The RaZON+ touts a higher accuracy approach to obtaining solar...read more


Author:Michelle Welch|最后更新:01/04/2018 |评论:2


您是否知道您只需点击或点击新的新闻和改进的在线数据记录器帮助?如果您有CR1000x,CR6或CR300系列数据记录器,您将希望访问我们24/7可用的新资源。我们的新在线用户......read more

New Ethernet over USB Functionality for Data Loggers

Author:Dana Worley|最后更新:08/30/2017 |评论:3

new ethernet over usb functionality for data loggers

If you have read recent revision history for the Device Configuration Utility (also known as DevConfig), you may have run across the following note: “New USB drivers (RNDIS) were added for [supported] datalogger.” What's that all about? you may have wondered. Sounds boring, eh? We think it...read more

The CR1000X: A New Generation of Data Loggers with Proven Functionality

Author:Timothy Jeppsen|Last Updated: 08/02/2017 | Comments: 3


它应该不足为奇CR1000数据logger (introduced in 2004) has been an incredibly successful data logger. With nearly 100,000 deployed, this data logger has been installed on every continent on the earth. Using the design success of the CR1000, Campbell Scientific...read more


Author:Robin Deissinger|Last Updated: 01/11/2017 | Comments: 0


在这次短暂的采访中,新CR310的产品经理Sam Utley告诉我们该数据记录器提供的增强功能以​​及为什么他感到CR310为客户提供令人兴奋的可能性。SAM是产品管理(PM)团队的成员......read more


Author:Dana Worley|Last Updated: 12/07/2016 | Comments: 2


事情的互联网在今天的文化中提供了很多优势。有些消费设备可以让您在您家中监控和控制情绪照明和音乐,在您的冰箱中跟踪上周的剩余晚餐,并帮助您酿造杯子......read more

Sharing Your Monitored Data via Social Media

Author:Barbra Utley|Last Updated: 10/28/2016 | Comments: 0

sharing your monitored data via social media

无论您是衡量和监控洪水,道路天气,航空,火灾还是雪崩的条件,您的数据对您和与您分享的人很重要。通常,快速分享数据至关重要,因为条件可能会迅速更改,并且需要提示操作。在这......read more


Author:Sam Utley|最后更新:03/23/2016 |评论:10


Note: It appears that after this blog article was written, Weather Underground has been phasing out the “PWS – Upload Protocol.” The following tutorial may or may not work currently or in the future. However, it continues to offer some insight into structuring a CRBasic...read more

6 Steps to Easily Parse Data from a Trusted Source

Author:加里罗伯茨|Last Updated: 03/02/2016 | Comments: 1

6 steps to easily parse data from a trusted source

Would it be helpful to include data from a reputable source with your own data? If you have permission to use another source’s data for free or by agreement, how can you easily extract the specific data you want to use without doing a lot...read more


Author:Andrew Sandford|最后更新:12/23/2015 |评论:0

4 tips to successfully run an md485 network with extreme cable lengths

你有网络设备连接使用吗MD485 interfaces, so spread out that extremely long cables are required? Are you worried that the distances, and resultant cable lengths, may be causing communication problems? In this brief article, we’ll look at four tips that...read more

Meet Our 2015 Photo Contest Winners

Author:Robin Deissinger|Last Updated: 10/28/2015 | Comments: 4

meet our 2015 photo contest winners

We asked our integrators, those folks who sell and install our products, to send us their best photos of Campbell Scientific equipment operating in the field. From all of their submissions, we selected a photo from Western Weather Group as the first-place winner. Runners-up photo...read more

4 New Ways to Use Array Notation: Copying or Transposing

Author:Janet Albers|最后更新:07/21/2015 |评论:0

4 new ways to use array notation: copying or transposing

OS 28(CR6 OS 1)复制或转发变得更容易。此新操作系统使您可以将数组的部分复制到新位置,例如在转发行和列时。在此示例中,我们从A(3,2)开始(3行,2列)初始化为...read more


Author:Janet Albers|最后更新:07/01/2015 |评论:0

4 new ways to use array notation: complex scaling

您可以在某个数组中执行更复杂的缩放,而无需为/下一个循环。要利用此功能,请使用OS 28(CR6 OS 01)或更高版本。在此示例程序中,将一组唯一的乘法器和偏移量应用于...的列read more

4 New Ways to Use Array Notation: Initializing Multi-Dimensional Arrays

Author:Janet Albers|Last Updated: 06/10/2015 | Comments: 0


Initializing variables within an array is more flexible than ever with OS 28 (CR6 OS 1). You can think of a single dimensioned array as numbers in a column. Two dimensions, in comparison, puts numbers in rows and columns. The third dimension is a page. For example:...read more


Author:Janet Albers|最后更新:05/29/2015 |评论:0


The newest operating system released by Campbell Scientific for its data loggers is OS 28 for the CR800, CR1000, and CR3000. (The comparable operating system version for the CR6 datalogger is OS 01.) This powerful data logger OS has been enhanced so that you can...read more

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