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Displaying 61 - 80 of 140 articles


Author:布鲁斯·史密斯|Last Updated: 06/08/2017 | Comments: 3

evapotranspiration: what it is and how it is helpful

Have you ever heard someone mention "ET" and wondered what it meant? Assuming the person wasn’t talking about extra-terrestrials or Entertainment Tonight, the conversation was probably about evapotranspiration. Evapotranspiration (or "ET") is the water lost through plant transpiration and soil and plant evaporation. The images...read more

Using Loops in CRBasic to Prevent Unnecessary Skipped Scans



Maybe you’re like me when it comes to skipped scans. I have always disliked seeing skipped scans in my data loggers. I have been trained to watch out for them and do my best to write my CRBasic programs in a way that makes them...read more

Air Temperature and RH Sensors: What You Need to Know

Author:Bart Nef|最后更新:2017年5月17日|评论:8

air temperature and rh sensors: what you need to know

尽管空气温度和相对湿度(RH)传感器为收集两个参数的测量数据提供了经济手段的好处,但您应该意识到与这些传感器有关的一些问题。在本文中,我将提供一些空气的背景...read more


Author:Janet Albers|Last Updated: 05/04/2017 | Comments: 0

how much power does your data acquisition system need?

Are you wondering what size battery and solar panel you need to run all of the devices in your data acquisition system? How will you know if your power supply can keep pace with your needs? To get these answers, you will need to estimate the...read more

Help Campbell Scientific, Inc. Celebrate Earth Day Every Day

Author:Robin Deissinger|Last Updated: 04/19/2017 | Comments: 0

帮助Cam万博matex网页登录pbell Scientific,Inc。每天庆祝地球日

The mention of Earth Day often stirs up thoughts in our minds of how we can reduce, reuse, and recycle. It may be easy to think of ways we can improve our habits in our homes, but it may be a little harder to come...read more


Author:卡罗琳·伊万斯(Carolyn Ivans)|最后更新:2017年4月13日|评论:0


如果你是坎贝尔科学的客户,你可以have heard of SDMs and multiplexers. But recently we added a new family of peripherals, called CDMs, to our product line. So, what are CDMs? How can they help you with your measurement needs? How do...read more

A Solution for IP Communication Problems: Konect PakBus Router

Author:Dana Worley|Last Updated: 04/05/2017 | Comments: 0

a solution for ip communication problems: konect pakbus router

IP communication has significantly changed the way many of us access our data loggers. It is reliable, fast, and readily available—anywhere you have access to "the Internet," you have the ability to use this protocol to communicate with your data logger. Sometimes, however, network access to...read more


Author:加里·罗伯茨|Last Updated: 03/23/2017 | Comments: 2

use pointers to make your crbasic programs more efficient

Pointers are a great tool for CRBasic programs. If you use them carefully, pointers can reduce the amount of program code you need to write, thereby increasing your program’s efficiency and enabling you to use less memory. (Your program can run faster because it does...read more

One Helpful Method to Diagnose a Modbus Communication Problem


one helpful method to diagnose a modbus communication problem

Have you ever set up a Campbell Scientific data logger as a Modbus server and discovered that your data was not arriving at your SCADA system as you expected? You may have quickly realized two things: troubleshooting the communication problem is not an easy task,...read more


Author:雅各布·戴维斯|Last Updated: 02/22/2017 | Comments: 2

how to use call-back capability so your data logger initiates data retrieval

您是否遇到过希望数据记录器启动数据检索而不是PC的情况?例如,您是否有要传输警报数据的环境条件?尽管基于IP的通信很普遍,但有时您可能需要数据探测器引发的通信...read more


Author:德克·贝克(Dirk Ba​​ker)|Last Updated: 02/08/2017 | Comments: 0


您是否担心霜冻对农作物的损害?有许多高价值农作物非常容易受到霜冻损害。尤其是在芽,鲜花和早期水果上,霜冻可能会使种植者每英亩花费数千美元。长期以来,许多种植者一直在监视...read more

Sending Email from Your Data Logger Just Got Easier!

Author:Dana Worley|Last Updated: 01/25/2017 | Comments: 16

sending email from your data logger just got easier!

Have you had problems finding an SMTP server to use to send emails from your data logger? Are compatibility issues causing you to look for a work-around? Keep reading for a solution that may be just what you need. Some Background In 2006, we added the ability...read more


Author:Robin Deissinger|最后更新:2017年1月11日|评论:0


在这次简短的采访中,新CR310的产品经理Sam Utley向我们介绍了该数据记录器提供的增强功能,以及为什么他认为CR310为我们的客户提供了令人兴奋的可能性。Sam是产品管理(PM)团队的成员...read more


Author:Robin Deissinger|最后更新:2016年12月14日|评论:0


在这次采访中,法力Chod史蒂芬斯产品ger for the new EE181-L, tells us why this new sensor is ideal for Campbell Scientific customers with deployment sites in extreme environments. Chod is the Technical Product Manager for the Environmental Group at Campbell Scientific, Inc. He...read more


Author:Dana Worley|Last Updated: 12/07/2016 | Comments: 2


物联网在当今文化中提供了许多优势。有一些消费设备可让您在家中监视和控制心情照明和音乐,跟踪上周冰箱中剩余的晚餐,并帮助您酿造杯子...read more

How to Replace “Undefined” or “N/A” with Your Real-Time Data Values

Author:Janet Albers|Last Updated: 11/30/2016 | Comments: 0

如何用实时数据值替换“未定义”或“ N/A”

如果您使用Campbell Scientific Data Logger支持软件连接到数据记录器,则可以从软件中监视数据。有时您是否已经看到“未定义”或“ N/A”而不是数据值?这是什么意思,以及如何...read more

How to Prevent a Program Update from Causing a Loss of Communication

Author:Robert Hyatt|Last Updated: 11/10/2016 | Comments: 5

how to prevent a program update from causing a loss of communication

Imagine that you have a data logger station three hours away that gathers your measurement data. To physically get to your station, not only do you have to drive for three hours, but then you have to hike for an hour up a snow-covered mountain. A...read more

Sharing Your Monitored Data via Social Media

Author:Barbra Utley|Last Updated: 10/28/2016 | Comments: 0

sharing your monitored data via social media

无论您是衡量和监控洪水,道路天气,航空,火灾还是雪崩条件,您的数据对您以及与之共享的人都很重要。通常,快速共享数据至关重要,因为条件可能会迅速变化并需要迅速采取行动。在这...read more



the many possibilities of pakbus networking

如果您有两个数据记录仪真正彼此接近,而您只想支付运行一个蜂窝调制解调器的账单,该怎么办?如何使用单个调制解调器从两个数据记录仪中获取数据?你怎么...read more

The Internet of Things (IoT) – Doing Our “Thing” Since Y2K

Author:Dana Worley|最后更新:2016年9月28日|评论:2

物联网(物联网) - 自Y2K以来做我们的“事情”

We all remember the year 2000 as the year that The World As We Know It would come to an end. Computer systems were predicted to come crashing down on January 1, leaving in their wake failing infrastructure that would affect millions of lives. In...read more

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