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Ajay Singh

ajay singhAjay Singh是Campbell Scientific,Inc。可再生能源集团的应用研究科学家。他从事可再生能源领域的新传感器和系统开发工作。万博matex网页登录他感兴趣的领域是新的传感器,太阳辐射传感器校准,光伏农场上的弄脏测量。

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Alan Hinckley

alan hinckley艾伦·欣克利(Alan Hinckley)在坎贝尔科学公司(Campbell Scientific,Inc.万博matex网页登录他拥有犹他州立大学的生物气象学硕士学位,并拥有新墨西哥州立大学的化学学士学位。

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andrew sandfordDr. Andrew Sandford is the Director of Research and Development at Campbell Scientific Limited in the United Kingdom. Andrew has been with Campbell Scientific Ltd for more than 30 years and leads a team of R&D engineers that has been responsible for the design and delivery of a wide variety of Campbell Scientific products.

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Barbra Utley

barbra utleyDr. Barbra Utley is an Application Research Scientist in the Environmental Group at Campbell Scientific, Inc. She works with both the Marketing and Engineering Departments on water resources product testing and development. Areas of interest include water quality and surrogate sediment measurements in fresh water systems, as well as statistical analysis. Barbra has a doctoral degree in Biological Systems Engineering with an emphasis in Water Resources.

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Bart Nef

bart nefBart Nef is a Senior Support and Implementation Engineer at Campbell Scientific, Inc. He provides technical support for both new and old Campbell Scientific data loggers and instruments. Bart has a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering and enjoys immensely playing with the gear at work.

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Ben Conrad

本·康拉德Dr. Ben Conrad is the Market Group Manager in the Micromet Group at Campbell Scientific, Inc. His background is mainly in ecohydrology/ecophysiology with an emphasis on plant water use in arid environments. Ben has more than 13 years of experience working with eddy covariance and Campbell Scientific data loggers, and he holds a doctoral degree in Biology from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Ben also enjoys spending time with family, playing Frisbee with his dog, and watching songbirds.

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Brad Maxfield

布拉德·麦克斯菲尔德Brad Maxfield is the Global Technical Training Manager at Campbell Scientific, Inc. His areas of expertise include power budgets, energy efficiency, and renewable energy. Brad provides technical support and training in English and Spanish, with frequent visits to customers in Latin America. He received his bachelor’s degree from the University of Utah in Spanish Language and Literature.

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Bruce Smith

bruce smithBruce Smith is a Technical Support Engineer at Campbell Scientific, Inc. He provides technical support for many Campbell Scientific products and specializes in supporting weather stations used in the commercial irrigation industry. Bruce’s background is in building maintenance. Away from work, he enjoys spending time with his family and dogs, being outdoors, and tinkering with cars.

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Carolyn Ivans

卡洛琳本港Carolyn Ivans is a member of the Hardware Support Group at Campbell Scientific, Inc., focusing on testing new operating systems for data loggers, peripherals, and new devices. She has a doctorate in Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation Biology from the University of Nevada, Reno and enjoys testing products as an end-user. When Carolyn is not busy testing products, she enjoys long walks and bike riding with her family.

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Chod Stephens

chod stephensChod Stephensis the Technical Product Manager in the Environmental Group at Campbell Scientific, Inc. Prior to working at Campbell, Chod was employed as a Research Technician at Utah State University where he also received his master’s degree in soil physics.

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Dana Worley

dana worleyDana Worley joined Campbell Scientific, Inc., in 1997. As an Application Engineer, Dana provided technical support and training to customers, and she developed online and written documentation. Other roles included management of R&D projects, software products, and a Software Test and Support group. Dana currently manages our Technical Support Team in the Client Services department. She enjoys hiking, biking, travelling, and photography, and she is an accomplished artist, specializing in kiln-formed glass.

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德克·贝克(Dirk Ba​​ker)

dirk bakerDr. Dirk V. Baker is an Application Research Scientist in the Environmental Group at Campbell Scientific, Inc. Areas of interest include ecology, agriculture, and meteorology—among others. He has a bachelor's degree in wildlife biology and a doctorate in weed science, both from Colorado State University. Dirk’s graduate and postdoctoral research centered around measuring and modeling wind-driven plant dispersal.

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Garrett Wheeler

garrett wheeler加勒特·惠勒(Garrett Wheeler)是坎贝尔科学公司(Campbell Scientific,Inc。)环境集团的市场销售工程师。自称为万博matex网页登录狂热的气象极客,他喜欢与天气相关的所有事物 - 尤其是跟随并研究极端和严重的事件。加勒特(Garrett)的背景是物理学,他喜欢尽可能多地了解我们客户的不同科学学科。

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Gary Roberts

加里·罗伯茨在和加里·罗伯茨是产品经理tions and software products at Campbell Scientific, Inc. He spends his days researching new technology, turning solutions to problems into stellar products, doing second-tier support, or geeking out on Campbell gear. Gary's education and background are in Information Technology and Computer Science. When he's not at work, he is out enjoying the great outdoors with his Scouts, fighting fire/EMS, working amateur radio, or programming computers.

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Jackson Murphy

jackson murphy杰克逊·墨菲(Jackson Murphy)是Juniper Systems的营销作家。他在公司的Get Rugged博客上撰写了有关行业趋势,产品等的文章。

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Jacob Davis

jacob davisJacob Davis is the Technical Support Manager at Campbell Scientific, Inc. He directs a group of talented, experienced technical support engineers. His specialties include serial communications and advanced data logger programming. Jacob has a master’s degree in Hydrology and worked with large irrigation projects before coming to Campbell Scientific, Inc.

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janet albers珍妮特·阿尔伯斯(Janet Albers)拥有技术通信经理的头衔;她办公室门上方的标志说:“教练”。她将分享技巧,简化概念,并指导您进入一个成功的项目。她在坎贝尔科学公司(Camp万博matex网页登录bell Scientific,Inc。)的工作时间比CR1000的时间长,但不如CR10X。下班时间后,珍妮特(Janet)和她的男孩和狗一起享受户外活动。

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杰森·里特(Jason Ritter)

jason ritterJason Ritter是Campbell Scientific,Inc。的高级支持和实施工程师。他与客户合作,帮助他们实现最佳万博matex网页登录测量。杰森(Jason)是坎贝尔·科学(Campbell Scientific)的长期粉丝,在加入该公司的应用程序工程师之前已经有十年的客户。他还担任过土壤科学家,土壤产品经理,土壤市场经理和产品小组经理的职位。

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John Markham

john markhamJohn Markham is a Market Sales Engineer in the Infrastructure Group at Campbell Scientific, Inc. His expertise includes Road Weather Information Systems (RWIS) and serial protocols. He contributes to the greater road weather community by serving on the NTCIP working group and the AMS committee on surface transportation. John has a master’s degree in physics and instrumentation. In his downtime he enjoys board games and historical reenactment.

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Kevin Rhodes

kevin rhodesKevin Rhodes is the Director of Core Technologies at Campbell Scientific, Inc., where he has been employed for more than 20 years. He has been instrumental in setting the specifications for several of our data loggers. Kevin has a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering from Utah State University. He contributes to our environmental sustainability efforts by frequently bicycling to and from work, which is of noteworthy distance.

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Libbie Anderson

libbie andersonLibbie Anderson is the Marketing Assistant in the Renewable Energy Group at Campbell Scientific, Inc. She works to connect clients to Campbell solutions through marketing and media and is developing new channels of communication to educate people about Campbell Scientific. Libbie is currently studying at Utah State University.

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Matt Perry

matt perryMatt Perry is a Technical Product Manager of the Renewable Energy Group, as well as the Chair of the Sustainability Committee at Campbell Scientific, Inc. He also serves on the Logan City Renewable Energy and Conservation Advisory Board. Outside of work, Matt spends time with family and friends, traveling in pursuit of experience and adventure through climbing, time on (and off!) the trail, skiing, and the beach.

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米歇尔·韦尔奇(Michelle Welch)

michelle welch作为坎贝尔科学公司(Campbell Scientific,I万博matex网页登录nc。)的技术沟通者,米歇尔·韦尔奇(Michelle Welch)是我们的居民内容牧马人。她曾担任专业的用户解决方案提供商,为坎贝尔科学产品开发了功新万博2019最新活动啊能强大,单一的,用户援助应用程序。当她不在众多监视器后面工作时,可能会发现米歇尔(Michelle)在露营,钓鱼和享受户外活动。

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Mike Nelson

迈克·尼尔森Mike Nelson是市场销售引擎er in the Environmental Group at Campbell Scientific, Inc. He has more than 30 years’ experience as an electrical engineer designing hardware and software products for the water monitoring industry. An extraordinary amount of Mike’s time while engineering was spent working directly in the field with the customers, which greatly influenced his designs and the teams he managed. Mike enjoys spending his free time out of doors.

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纳塔纳尔·赖特(Nathanael Wright)

nathanael wright纳塔纳尔·赖特(Nathanael Wright)is a Support and Implementation Engineer at Campbell Scientific, Inc. He provides technical support for data loggers, instruments, and communications equipment. Nathanael has bachelor’s degrees in Computer Information Science and Business Administration, and a Masters in Business Administration. In addition, Nathanael has more than 10 years of experience working with IP communications. Away from work, he enjoys breakdancing, hiking, publishing books, and fiddling with computer equipment.

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Paul Smart

paul smartPaul Smart是Campbell Scientific,Inc。的销售和营销副总裁。他在大学毕业后不久就在进行了万博matex网页登录在国际空间站进行的一系列植物种植实验,这是他对坎贝尔设备的第一次经验。保罗喜欢利用独特的坎贝尔科学技术来解决具有挑战性的测量问题。他拥有电气工程学士学位和MBA学士学位。保罗还喜欢户外活动,钓鱼,并与家人共度时光。

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Raina Mithrush

raina mithrushRaina was the Marketing and Communications Consultant at Campbell Scientific Canada (CSC). She created marketing content for CSC and was particularly interested in online communications. Raina has a Bachelor of Commerce and a Diploma of Graphic Design and Communication. Outside of work, Raina enjoyed spending time outside with her puppy and family.

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罗伯特·凯悦Robert L. Hyatt was a Support and Implementation Engineer at Campbell Scientific, Inc. He received his Bachelor of Science from Utah State University in Engineering Technologies and Environmental Science before joining Campbell Scientific in 2007. Robert has two passions: farming and solar energy. He enjoys recording data all around him–from solar collection and temperatures out in the field, to energy usage in the house. No matter the project, Robert loves to include a Campbell Scientific data logger to monitor and control it.

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罗宾·德辛格(Robin Deissinger)

robin deissinger罗宾·德辛格(Robin Deissinger)is the Web Content Specialist at Campbell Scientific, Inc. She creates and maintains content on the company website, and she manages the corporate social media program. Robin serves as the blog editor for the Campbell Scientific Blog and occasionally contributes blog articles. She has a bachelor's degree in Communications from Bradley University.

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瑞安·格雷罗(Ryan Guerrero)

ryan guerrero瑞安·格雷罗(Ryan Guerrero)是坎贝尔科学公司(Campbell Scientific,Inc.万博matex网页登录瑞安(Ryan)获得了杨百翰大学(Brigham Young University – Idaho)的应用管理学士学位。

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sam utley山姆·乌特利is the Vice President of Research and Development at Campbell Scientific, Inc. His deep understanding and appreciation for Campbell Scientific customers and their need for measurement and control solutions developed from his experience as a Campbell Scientific customer, sales and support engineer, and product manager. Sam is a University of Georgia Biological and Agricultural Engineer graduate.

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莎拉·梅雷尔(Sarah Merrell)

sarah merrell莎拉·梅雷尔(Sarah Merrell)is the product marketing specialist at Juniper Systems. She enjoys seeking out interesting topics to write about in the world of mobile field computing technology. Her free time is spent running, reading, and spending time with her family.

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Shaun Dustin

shaun dustinDr. Shaun Dustin is a registered professional civil engineer, and he led the Geotechnical and Structural Instrumentation Group at Campbell Scientific, Inc. He has worked on projects ranging from 3-Mile Island to Space Mountain, but his favorite thing to do—besides spending time with his family—is solving problems that matter. Since 2015, he has served as the Mayor of Nibley, Utah, where he enjoys solving problems.

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Steven Moore

steven moore史蒂文·摩尔是数据、档次的产品经理es for Campbell Scientific, Inc. He is passionate about and has spent most of his career applying technology to simplify complex tasks. Included in that work was managing the development of weather-responsive irrigation control equipment. Steve is excited to focus his efforts on expanding and improving the data service offerings of Campbell Scientific. Away from work he enjoys being a husband, father, grandfather, gardener, photographer, sailor, camper, and biker.

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蒂莫西·杰普森(Timothy Jeppsen)

蒂莫西·杰普森(Timothy Jeppsen)蒂莫西(Timothy)是坎贝尔科学公司(Campbell Scientific,In万博matex网页登录c。通信产品。蒂莫西(Timothy)获得了犹他州立大学(Utah State University)的营销学士学位和奥本大学(Auburn University)的定量遗传学硕士学位。

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Travis McKissack

travis mckissackTravis McKissack (now retired) was a Product Test Engineer in the Product Test Group at Campbell Scientific, Inc., providing testing and second-tier support for Campbell’s array of software and data communication products. He has an extensive Systems Engineering background in the areas of defense electronics and oceanography with an emphasis on RF systems and data telemetry.

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