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准确测量和可靠的数据对您的项目至关重要吗?你欣赏坎贝尔科学装备的坚固性吗?您喜欢在新产品或选择可用时通知吗?Whether you’re interested in our gear specifically or topics relevant to your projects, there are several ways you can stay informed with the latest news from Campbell Scientific, Inc. Keep reading to see what works best for you, find out how to manage your notifications, and let us know how we can improve.

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我们希望这些选项使您能够随时了解并获取您想要的更新,当您想要它们时。我们的目标是为您提供您发现有趣和乐于助人的信息。Let us know how we’re doing by providing your suggestions and comments below.


关于the Author

robin deissingerRobin Deissinger是Campbell Scientific,Inc。的网页内容专家,她万博matex网页登录在公司网站上创建并维护内容,并管理公司社交媒体计划。罗宾用作坎贝尔科学博客的博客编辑,偶尔贡献博客文章。她拥有从布拉德利大学的通信学士学位。

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