
byTimothy Jeppsen|更新时间:11/29/2017 |评论:0



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在本文中,我将向您介绍要素集成的一些主要优势CR1000.X Measurement and Control Dataloggerthat I think you’ll appreciate.


使用我们之前的数据记录器,例如CR1000., you needed to purchase additional peripheral devices and connect them to the data logger to increase its measurement, control, or communications capabilities. With the new CR1000X, several of these capabilities are integrated into the data logger so that you may not need the additional peripheral add-ons.

CR1000X有三个集成外设,我认为您将找到对系统有用和节省的有帮助和节省费用。为了更好地说明这些外围设备如何使用数据记录器,我将参考CR1000x的前身,CR1000,但这些信息也是如此CR800,CR850., 和CR3000dataloggers.

#1 - 以太网连接和扩展数据存储

TheNL116 Ethernet Interface and CompactFlash Module创建以扩展CR1000的能力。NL116提供10/100 Mbps RJ-45连接器,用于CR1000的本机以太网连接,允许其直接使用各种因特网协议进行通信。此同一本机以太网连接现在通过其集成的RJ-45 10/100 Mbps端口直接在CR1000x上可用。

NL116 Ethernet Interface and CompactFlash Module

NL116还提供扩展的数据存储容量。使用NL116的CompactFlash卡槽,I型或II型卡可以将CR1000的数据存储功能增加到另外的16 GB。对于CR1000X,您的数据存储扩展由集成的MicroSD卡插槽提供。MicroSD存储卡可以将CR1000x的存储能力额外增加8 GB。这可能听起来不像一个优势,但请记住,CR1000x(4 MB SRAM + 72 MB闪存)的整体内部数据存储功能远大于CR1000(4 MB SRAM)。

#2 - 串行I / O扩展

TheSDM-SIO1A 1-Channel Serial I/O Moduleprovides the interface connection between the CR1000 and serial devices (such as intelligent sensors, actuators, or displays) using RS-232, RS-485, or RS-422 signal levels. For the CR1000X, serial communications are provided by the dedicated RJ-45 port that can operate as either an RS-232 or CPI port.

SDM-SIO1A 1-Channel Serial I/O Module

The CR1000X also has removable connectors and eight terminals that you can configure for digital communications including UART, RS-232, RS-485, and SDI-12. Many other functions are also possible, such as communicating with all our Synchronous Devices for Measurement (SDMs).

#3 - CPI Interface

A few years ago, Campbell Scientific introduced a line of peripheral devices called CDMs (Campbell Distributed Modules). These modules increase the channel count of data loggers, add data logger functionality, and improve measurement quality—all while allowing a network of modules to behave as a single data logger.


对于我们在开发这些CDM之前引入的数据记录器,CDM和数据记录器之间需要接口:SC-CPI数据记录到CPI接口。SC-CPI接口时需要使用CR1000.with any of the CDMs. With the CR1000X, you can connect your CDMs directly with the RJ-45 port—without the need for an SC-CPI interface.

CR1000.X datalogger with peripheral information



To buy the CR1000 with the required peripherals would cost hundreds of US dollars (USD) more than purchasing the CR1000X datalogger. While it is true that most applications do not require all these devices, if your application requires just one of them (the NL116, SDM-SIOA, or SC-CPI), you would still save money by buying the CR1000X.

Working within Space Constraints



使用外部外围设备 - 以允许其与数据记录器正确通信的许多配置设置将通过集成系统消除。简单地说,集成系统更容易设置。数据记录器具有集成外设的数据记录器的另一个好处是您不需要将这些设备单独密切连接到数据记录器,从而节省您的时间。

Data Accuracy and Reliability

All our Campbell Scientific products are manufactured with the same attention to detail and quality. Whether you choose a data logger such as the CR1000 with additional peripheral devices, or a CR1000X with integrated peripherals, you are guaranteed products that have been designed and manufactured to stand up against the most extreme environmental conditions on earth, in addition to consistently providing reliable and accurate data. Individual testing of each data logger through the entire operating temperature range ensures that the CR1000X will perform at the specified accuracy levels. The results of these tests are found on the data logger’s calibration certificate.

  • 购买CR1000时,您可以选择使用数据记录器向您发送校准证书的选项,额外成本。
  • When purchasing the CR1000X, the calibration certificate is included (at no additional cost).
    • For customers supported by our U.S. office, this certificate is available to you 24/7 in digital format from your Campbell Scientific, Inc. website account. (For assistance downloading your calibration certificate, watch the"Certificates of Calibration" video。)
    • Other Campbell Scientific offices may provide the calibration certificates via a different method. Contact your supporting office to learn how your certificate will be delivered.


After reading this article, I hope you’ve come to appreciate the ease of operation and cost-saving benefit of the CR1000X with its integrated peripherals. When we designed the CR1000X, we tried to include features that would make it easier for you to use while maintaining the high level of quality you’ve come to expect from our measurement and monitoring products.If you have any questions about the CR1000X, please post them below.

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蒂莫西尤普森Timothy是Campbell Scientific,Inc。的高级营销经理,他开始万博matex网页登录了他的Campbell Career作为专业从事水产养殖应用的应用工程师,并且还将职位作为销售工程师,水资源集团经理,以及数据记录器的营销产品经理。通讯产品。蒂莫西获得了犹他州大学的营销学士学位及其奥本大学定量遗传学硕士学位。



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